Analogue of the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) for three-dimensional images. Includes an image processing and linear algebra library with feature matching and RANSAC regression. Also includes IO functions supporting a variety of image formats.
... the latest Ubuntu release has dependencies that are no longer in repositories (libnifti2, libdcmtk5)
... the win64 installer (1.4.5) only installs uninstall.exe, and no other executables. Is this because Windows OS prevents you from using these libraries from the command line?
... do you know of any efforts to make a Python wrapper?
... the latest Ubuntu release has dependencies that are no longer in repositories (libnifti2, libdcmtk5)
... the win64 installer (1.4.5) only installs uninstall.exe, and no other executables. Is this because Windows OS prevents you from using these libraries from the command line?
... do you know of any efforts to make a Python wrapper?