bbuchfink / diamond

Accelerated BLAST compatible local sequence aligner.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Database error: Invalid taxonomic rank and Error: Accession mapping file header has to be in one of these formats #726

Open LR-2021 opened 11 months ago

LR-2021 commented 11 months ago

Hi, I am having similar problem to ( Error: Invalid taxonomic rank. #366 and Error: Invalid taxonomic rank #352 ) creating a diamondb.

$ diamond makedb -p 16 --in reference_proteomes.fasta.gz --taxonmap reference_proteomes.taxid_map --taxonnodes $TAXDUMP/nodes.dmp --taxonnames $TAXDUMP/names.dmp -d reference_proteomes.dmnd

nodes.dmp latest version

(diamond version 0.9.30) I first get this message
Loading taxonomy... [85.706s]
Accession mappings = 81466730
Loading taxonomy nodes... [0.353s]
Error: Invalid taxonomic rank.

Then I tried to install the latest Diamond version (diamond version 2.1.8) and I get this message:

.... Accession parsing rules triggered for database seqids (use --no-parse-seqids to disable): UniRef prefix 0 gi|xxx| prefix 0 xxx| prefix 226782039 |xxx suffix 226782039 .xxx suffix 0 :PDB= suffix 0

Loading taxonomy mapping file... Error: Accession mapping file header has to be in one of these formats: accession accession.version taxid gi accession.version taxid

Could be is there an issue in the latest nodes.dmp?

Thank you for your support.

bbuchfink commented 11 months ago

This indicates an error in your --taxonmap file. Check that is has the correct header line.