I'm trying to rerun OrthoFinder and I am running into an error when diamond is called to run all-versus-all. It returns error code 1 and I'm not sure what it means. Back in April it ran fine with no errors. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated :)
Here is the error message:
Running diamond all-versus-all
Using 20 thread(s)
2023-09-04 15:33:40 : This may take some time....
ERROR: external program called by OrthoFinder returned an error code: 1
I'm trying to rerun OrthoFinder and I am running into an error when diamond is called to run all-versus-all. It returns error code 1 and I'm not sure what it means. Back in April it ran fine with no errors. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated :)
Here is the error message:
Running diamond all-versus-all
Using 20 thread(s) 2023-09-04 15:33:40 : This may take some time....
ERROR: external program called by OrthoFinder returned an error code: 1
Command: diamond blastp -d /crex/proj/snic2020-15-221/transporters/orthofinder_BUSCO/fasta_dir/OrthoFinder/Results_Sep04/WorkingDirectory/diamondDBSpecies44 -q /crex/proj/snic2020-15-221/transporters/orthofinder_BUSCO/fasta_dir/OrthoFinder/Results_Sep04/WorkingDirectory/Species82.fa -o /crex/proj/snic2020-15-221/transporters/orthofinder_BUSCO/fasta_dir/OrthoFinder/Results_Sep04/WorkingDirectory/Blast82_44.txt --more-sensitive -p 1 --quiet -e 0.001 --compress 1
b'' stderr
b'Protocol error\nError: Error writing file /crex/proj/snic2020-15-221/transporters/orthofinder_BUSCO/fasta_dir/OrthoFinder/Results_Sep04/WorkingDirectory/diamond-tmp-w8v7xt\n' 2023-09-05 12:34:52 : Done 9000 of 11664
ERROR: external program called by OrthoFinder returned an error code: 1