Hi @bbulkow, thanks for this great port. Cloning this repo fresh, copying the sdkconfig.4-1 to sdkconfig, and running the example against esp-idf v4.1 results in an rmt_set_tx_thr_intr_en() panic as described on this esp-idf issue (stacktrace copied below). I understand this is an issue introduced in esp-idf v4.1 as you discussed on this other esp-idf issue.
I'm just wondering, what would you suggest users of your fork to do in this situation? It's somewhat difficult to follow where this interrupt handler issue is headed and whether it would be solved by the espressif team, or if your port needs to address it. Should we just stick to v4.0 for now? I have some ota over ble bugs that were fixed in 4.2 and I'm looking to upgrade, but this is the one issue holding me up.
Thanks again!
EDIT: What I'm mainly asking is if there is a way to use fastled with esp-idf 4.2, whether that be this library or not. I was having trouble getting arduino-esp32 to run again esp-idf 4.2 which is why I moved from using the main FastLED library to this port so I could ditch arduino-esp32 entirely. But now there's this RMT issue. So if there is another port or approach to getting fastled and esp-idf to play nicely together, I'm all ears!
entering app main, call add leds
set max power
create task for led blinking
W (384) FastLED: controller init
Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 0 register dump:
PC : 0x400d55a0 PS : 0x00060833 A0 : 0x800d4818 A1 : 0x3ffaf8a0
0x400d55a0: rmt_set_tx_thr_intr_en at /Users/drewandre/esp/esp-idf/components/driver/rmt.c:389 (discriminator 2)
A2 : 0x00000000 A3 : 0x3ffb1390 A4 : 0x00000020 A5 : 0x3ffb1390
A6 : 0x000000b0 A7 : 0x00000000 A8 : 0x00000034 A9 : 0x00000000
A10 : 0x00000001 A11 : 0x00009470 A12 : 0x3ff560b0 A13 : 0xefffffff
A14 : 0xfff7ffff A15 : 0xffffffbf SAR : 0x00000020 EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x400014fd LEND : 0x4000150d LCOUNT : 0xfffffffd
ELF file SHA256: 005f4b4fdb53c297
Backtrace: 0x400d559d:0x3ffaf8a0 0x400d4815:0x3ffaf8d0 0x4008294d:0x3ffaf910 0x400d424f:0x3ffaf940 0x400d4641:0x3ffaf9a0 0x400d3b56:0x3ffaf9e0 0x400d1e54:0x3ffafa10
0x400d559d: rmt_ll_set_tx_limit at /Users/drewandre/esp/esp-idf/components/soc/esp32/include/hal/rmt_ll.h:177 (discriminator 2)
(inlined by) rmt_set_tx_thr_intr_en at /Users/drewandre/esp/esp-idf/components/driver/rmt.c:389 (discriminator 2)
0x400d4815: _ZN18ESP32RMTController4initEv$part$2 at /Users/drewandre/Downloads/my-test-project/build/../components/FastLED-idf/platforms/esp/32/clockless_rmt_esp32.cpp:119
0x4008294d: ESP32RMTController::showPixels() at /Users/drewandre/Downloads/my-test-project/build/../components/FastLED-idf/platforms/esp/32/clockless_rmt_esp32.cpp:92
(inlined by) ESP32RMTController::showPixels() at /Users/drewandre/Downloads/my-test-project/build/../components/FastLED-idf/platforms/esp/32/clockless_rmt_esp32.cpp:147
0x400d424f: CPixelLEDController<(EOrder)10, 1, 4294967295u>::show(CRGB const*, int, CRGB) at /Users/drewandre/Downloads/my-test-project/build/../components/FastLED-idf/platforms/esp/32/clockless_rmt_esp32.h:359
(inlined by) CPixelLEDController<(EOrder)10, 1, 4294967295u>::show(CRGB const*, int, CRGB) at /Users/drewandre/Downloads/my-test-project/build/../components/FastLED-idf/controller.h:408
0x400d4641: CFastLED::show(unsigned char) at /Users/drewandre/Downloads/my-test-project/build/../components/FastLED-idf/controller.h:90
(inlined by) CFastLED::show(unsigned char) at /Users/drewandre/Downloads/my-test-project/build/../components/FastLED-idf/FastLED.cpp:59
0x400d3b56: _fastfade_cb(void*) at /Users/drewandre/Downloads/my-test-project/build/../components/FastLED-idf/FastLED.h:506
(inlined by) _fastfade_cb at /Users/drewandre/Downloads/my-test-project/build/../main/main.cpp:103
0x400d1e54: timer_process_alarm at /Users/drewandre/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_common/src/esp_timer.c:306
(inlined by) timer_task at /Users/drewandre/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_common/src/esp_timer.c:327
Hi @bbulkow, thanks for this great port. Cloning this repo fresh, copying the sdkconfig.4-1 to sdkconfig, and running the example against esp-idf v4.1 results in an
panic as described on this esp-idf issue (stacktrace copied below). I understand this is an issue introduced in esp-idf v4.1 as you discussed on this other esp-idf issue.I'm just wondering, what would you suggest users of your fork to do in this situation? It's somewhat difficult to follow where this interrupt handler issue is headed and whether it would be solved by the espressif team, or if your port needs to address it. Should we just stick to v4.0 for now? I have some ota over ble bugs that were fixed in 4.2 and I'm looking to upgrade, but this is the one issue holding me up.
Thanks again!
EDIT: What I'm mainly asking is if there is a way to use fastled with esp-idf 4.2, whether that be this library or not. I was having trouble getting arduino-esp32 to run again esp-idf 4.2 which is why I moved from using the main FastLED library to this port so I could ditch arduino-esp32 entirely. But now there's this RMT issue. So if there is another port or approach to getting fastled and esp-idf to play nicely together, I'm all ears!