bburky / playnite-playlist

A Playnite extension providing a reorderable queue of games
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[Feature Request] HowLongToBeat inclusion in Playlist view #2

Open Jhanlon95 opened 3 years ago

Jhanlon95 commented 3 years ago

Don't know how difficult it would be to implement, but could be a nice feature

When viewing the playlist if also using the HowLongToBeat Plugin new columns could be added to indicate the length of a game.

Attached a small mockup of what it could look like image

bburky commented 3 years ago

I also thought about this, it would be nice to show the HowLongToBeat progress bar in a column there.

I don't think it's currently possible to access the custom controls from other extensions in a sidebar view like my extension yet though.

bburky commented 3 years ago

Actually, I managed to get it to work using the current Playnite API features. Not sure if accessing another extension like I am is a good idea though. Let me follow up with some other devs to make sure that what I'm doing is recommended, see #4


dfirsht commented 1 year ago

@bburky Any updates on this? Would be really useful when trying to pick your next game