bburky / playnite-playlist

A Playnite extension providing a reorderable queue of games
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Emulated games are not pulling the icons given to them #3

Open Jhanlon95 opened 3 years ago

Jhanlon95 commented 3 years ago

When adding an emulated game to the playlist it's showing the default playnite icon instead of the given icon that appears within the main playnite library

Expected outcome would be when adding emulated games to playlist they would take whatever icon they have been given within Playnite itself

How it appears within Playnite's library Playnite DesktopApp_5fEdCIWxfi

How it appears within Playlist image

bburky commented 3 years ago

It looks like this icon is from the "Advanced > Missing game icon source > library/platform" setting in Playnite.

Playnite internally uses a GetDefaultIcon() function that doesn't appear to be exposed to the plugin SDK currently.