bbusschots / hsxkpasswd

A Perl module and terminal command for generating secure memorable passwords inspired by the fabulous XKCD web comic and Steve Gibson's Password Hay Stacks. This is the library that powers
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Remove insecure random #35

Open Sc00bz opened 6 years ago

Sc00bz commented 6 years ago


If for some reason you want to keep you should fix

        my $dec = $line/($RDO_MAX_INT+1);
        unless($dec >= 0 && $dec <1){

Also consider fixing the slight bias in doing itemIndex = floor(rand * numberOfItems). You can do something like

Edit: Changed link

Sc00bz commented 6 years ago

I just assumed that you did itemIndex = floor(rand * numberOfItems). It's actually much worse

You should replace's random floats [0, 1) with random 32 bit integers [0, 4294967295]. Then replace _random_int with:

sub _random_int{
    my @args = @_;
    my $self = shift @args;

    # validate args
    state $args_check = compile(NonZeroPositiveInteger);
    my $count = $args_check->(@args);

    # calculate the random number
    my $ans = $self->_rand();

    # If nice base 2 modulo (ie 2**n)
    if ((($count - 1) & $count) == 0){
        $ans = $ans & ($count - 1);
        my $skip = 4_294_967_295 - 4_294_967_295 % $count;
        while ($ans >= $skip){
            $ans = $self->_rand();
        $ans = $ans % $count;

    # return it
    _debug("returning $ans (max=$max)");
    return $ans;