bc / retina

Tools for visualizing and comparing data from vertebrate retinas
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compute datapoint locations in post-retistruct #41

Closed bc closed 4 years ago

bc commented 5 years ago

Retistruct now has an API for passing outline-coordinates through the reconstruction, returning phi,lambda coordinates.

Goal: change the UX so the first step is using Retistruct independently to get from the raw data to the reconstructed AnnotatedOutline object. serialize it as an .rda or .rdata

create an R endpoint for value_measurements <- getSphericalCoordinates("path/reconstructed_retina.rda", CSV of points in outline-coordinates=densitymeasurementsDF) shaded_coords <- getSphericalCoordinates("path/reconstructed_retina.rda", CSV of points in outline-coordinates=falciformCoordinatesDF)

then pass those to mapping functions

bc commented 5 years ago

retistruct approach: https://github.com/davidcsterratt/retistruct/blob/0f7ca278dc57fef6c25fc75370a49753399ffb8c/pkg/retistruct/tests/testthat/test-reconstruct.R#L22