bc / retina

Tools for visualizing and comparing data from vertebrate retinas
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Retina issue #51

Closed bc closed 3 years ago

bc commented 4 years ago

test data; Archive.zip outcome:

@jpibanezRT @lschmitz

I tried the protocol using the files provided by the package in github (datapoints.csv, falciform.csv and xys.csv) and it worked perfectly. After that, I tried my own files. Nevertheless, for a start, it seems that I am missing a type of file, since I only have two. Considering the data that they contain, my files would be the equivalent to your falciform and xyz files, but it seems I am missing another one, in this case, en equivalent to datapoints file, which is use I copied yours and erased some data to obtain the same number of rows than the others. After all this, the protocol was working without any issue until I reached the r_outline <- retistruct.read.dataset(temp_dir) line on the script. At this point, an error message appeared stating that "No valid dataset format detected". I find this strange and looked for possible solutions online without success. It seems something as simple as stated, the files are not in the proper format, which is confusing since they are either on csv or txt format. Would you have any suggestion regarding this issue? On the other hand, and this is something more out of curiosity, I don't understand what the expression "cyan" that shows up on the datasets means. I am aware that cyan is a type of blue, therefore, would it be correct to assume that it represents the tone of blue that would later represent different cell densities in the obtained retinal map? In this case, would it be possible to change the colour and tonalities according to the user preferences?