bcampolo / nvim-starter-kit

Neovim Starter Kit
MIT License
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Can Maven projects be created? #15

Open Mike-18awq opened 1 month ago

Mike-18awq commented 1 month ago

Can Maven projects be created or executed? Or does it require additional configuration? And if it is possible, how can they be created and/or executed?

bcampolo commented 1 month ago

Mason is a plugin for Neovim that helps to automate the installation of LSPs and other supporting tools. You can see how I've configured it in the Neovim Starter Kit for Java here: https://github.com/bcampolo/nvim-starter-kit/blob/java/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/nvim-lspconfig.lua. Can you explain what it is you are trying to do and any problems that you might be facing?

Mike-18awq commented 1 month ago

It was Maven, sorry haha

bcampolo commented 1 month ago

The Starter Kit for Java should automatically find your pom and load dependencies. You can run mvn commands either in the terminal or command area. I also found this plugin but I've not tried it: https://github.com/eatgrass/maven.nvim Which lets you interactively run Maven commands. I tend to use Gradle mostly so I'm a little rusty with Maven. After you get it working let me know if there is anything that would be helpful to add to the Starter Kit.