bcardarella / valid_attribute

Minimalist validation BDD for ActiveModel specs
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Not working with Spring #31

Open suan opened 10 years ago

suan commented 10 years ago

So, when we use this gem with spring I get an undefined method 'when' for #<RSpec::Matchers::Has:0x007fc965690560> error when using the #when method. It works fine when I don't use spring. I followed the directions in README.md (basically just added the gem to Gemfile and adding require 'valid_attribute' to spec_helper.rb)

I found 2 ways to work around it:

Requiring valid_attribute/rspec instead of valid_attribute in spec_helper

Second way was to add a require: false at the end of the gem in Gemfile

Would be awesome if you could find out why this is happening.

ACPK commented 8 years ago

@suan The "valid_attribute/rspec" fix worked like a charm! Thank you!