Closed rb5000 closed 9 years ago
Hi Robert,
sorry about that. This happens when curl
form anaconda is used. See this related issue: #885
if you unlink curl
from anaconda, or remove that path from PATH
variable, should it work. bcbio
doesn't need that path to be in you PATH. it would link the bcbio
tools to the folder where you are installing the rest of the tools, but if you want the anaconda/bin
there anyway you can try to unlink curl
hope this fixes the issue.
Thank you, I was able to unlink curl from anaconda, and I was able to get further in the installation process. However, now I have this error:
[localhost] local: wget --continue --no-check-certificate -O VarScan.v2.3.7.jar ''
--2015-07-22 17:01:31--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2015-07-22 17:01:35 ERROR 404: Not Found.
Warning: local() encountered an error (return code 8) while executing 'wget --continue --no-check-certificate -O VarScan.v2.3.7.jar '''
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/robert/Desktop/bcbio/anaconda/bin/", line 207, in <module>
File "/home/robert/Desktop/bcbio/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bcbio/", line 81, in upgrade_bcbio
upgrade_thirdparty_tools(args, REMOTES)
File "/home/robert/Desktop/bcbio/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bcbio/", line 372, in upgrade_thirdparty_tools
File "/home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/cloudbio/deploy/", line 65, in deploy
_setup_vm(options, vm_launcher, actions)
File "/home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/cloudbio/deploy/", line 110, in _setup_vm
configure_instance(options, actions)
File "/home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/cloudbio/deploy/", line 255, in configure_instance
File "/home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/cloudbio/deploy/", line 279, in install_biolinux
_perform_install(target=target, flavor=flavor, more_custom_add=options.get("custom_add", None))
File "/home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/", line 112, in _perform_install
_custom_installs(pkg_install, custom_ignore, custom_add)
File "/home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/", line 176, in _custom_installs
install_custom(p, True, pkg_to_group)
File "/home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/", line 280, in install_custom
File "/home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/cloudbio/custom/", line 454, in install_varscan
out_file = shared._remote_fetch(env, url)
File "/home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/cloudbio/custom/", line 201, in _remote_fetch
raise IOError("Failure to retrieve remote file")
IOError: Failure to retrieve remote file
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 275, in <module>
main(parser.parse_args(), sys.argv[1:])
File "", line 46, in main
subprocess.check_call([bcbio[""], "upgrade"] + _clean_args(sys_argv, args, bcbio))
File "/home/robert/anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 540, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/home/robert/Desktop/bcbio/anaconda/bin/', 'upgrade', '--tooldir=/home/robert/Desktop/bcbio', '--isolate', '--genomes', 'hg19', '--aligners', 'bwa', '--aligners', 'bowtie2', '--data']' returned non-zero exit status 1
Thanks, Robert
sorry about that. Did you try the command to know if it works outside the installation script?
I would give it another shot. sometimes sourceforge is down a while but then comes back.
if not let us know if the command to download varscan works if you run it alone.
Yes, that happened to me during a recent re-install, too. Restarting five minutes later and it completed without problems. SourceForge is entirely unreliable by now; I was hoping that they'd move VarScan to BitBucket or GitHub one of these days...
Thank you for the advice, I retried the installation and it was able to finish :)
However, when attempting to upgrade tools and install GATK, I now get this error:
INFO: Reading /home/robert/tmpbcbio-install/cloudbiolinux/cloudbio/../contrib/flavor/ngs_pipeline_minimal/packages-homebrew.yaml
DBG []: Packages to install: bcftools,cufflinks-binary,htslib,samtools-library-0.1,samtools;--without-curses,bamtools,bedtools,biobambam,cramtools,express-binary,fastqc,grabix,kraken,oncofuse,picard-tools,qualimap,sambamba-binary,samblaster,seqtk,sickle,speedseq,staden_io_lib,bcbio-variation-recall,cancerit-allelecount,delly;--with-binary,freebayes,gatk-framework,hall-lab-sv-tools,impute2,lofreq,lumpy-sv,pindel,platypus-variant,qsignature,rtg-tools,scalpel,snpeff,theta2,vardict,vardict-java,vcflib,vep,vt;--with-binary,wham;--with-binary,bowtie2,bwa,bwakit,novoalign,rna-star,tophat-binary,cmake,p7zip,pkg-config,s3gof3r,cpanminus
[localhost] local: /home/robert/Desktop/bcbio/bin/brew tap
[localhost] local: /home/robert/Desktop/bcbio/bin/brew --prefix
[localhost] local: git config ''
[localhost] local: git stash --quiet
.gitignore: needs merge
.gitignore: needs merge
.gitignore: unmerged (59abbf727aa58fbedfe9adf5ff8638499103068d)
.gitignore: unmerged (6c3b7d35bed26f78da037b144bf0f1e70ea0da87)
fatal: git-write-tree: error building trees
Cannot save the current index state
Fatal error: local() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing 'git stash --quiet'
I tried deleting the tmpbcbio-install and running the command again, but it still provided the same error.
Any suggestions?
Thank you, Robert
Glad a restart got everything further along and apologies about the issues. There have been some changes recently to homebrew, which we use to install packages, that can cause issues on some systems. I pushed some fixes which I hope will resolve your problem. If you get rid of the tmpbcbio-install
directory again and re-run, it should pull in the fixed version and work cleanly for you. Hope this gets things running for you.
I deleted the directories and was able to run the command successfully. Thank you for all your help!
I am trying to install an isolated version of BcBio on Ubuntu 14.04, due to no root access. However, when running the installer, I get this error:
When trying to debug as recommended, and running the fix described in #745, I get this output:
Any Suggestions?
Thanks, Robert