bcbio / bcbioR

R package with well defined templates for most common pipelines
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cutandrun report elements #43

Open abartlett004 opened 1 month ago

abartlett004 commented 1 month ago

Present in nf-core multiqc report:

Present in Upen's cutandrun QC report:

Desired in bcbioR template:

eberdan commented 1 month ago
  1. PCAs need to be done independently for each antibody.
  2. Add peak enrichment vs. peak rank
  3. Add overlaps between technical replicates (using findOverlapsOfPeaks)
  4. correlation heatmaps are also best per antibody
eberdan commented 1 month ago

FriP, NRF, PBC1 and PBC2 should also be in the bcbioR template

lpantano commented 2 weeks ago

QC example to follow: chipseq QC https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9lz9i9lsj9lzh21wvtd9q/QC_Chipseq_hbc04729.html?rlkey=o82epbhrij7lhd33hsedkohz7&dl=0