Open mulundapm opened 1 year ago
If this gets acceptance criteria we can publish the task on discord for volunteering
@andreasgangso Some research I did on this:
Different options I tested:
Use a bitmap image instead of svg and use floodfill algorithm to fill closed shapes. This package could be used: Problem with this approach is all the disadvantages of a non-vector format.
Flutter doesn't seem to have support for interacting with svg images. So one option is to make the game using web technologies and embed it in flutter.
The challenge I see with this is that, each area that can be colored should be a closed path
. Something like this: If the svg file just contains a bunch of strokes separating the colorable areas, it won't work. So the svg image will have to be specifically customized for this.
Some References for web implementations:
Use flutter's CutsomPainter
and draw the svg onto the canvas by converting the svg paths to dart Path
Found this page which can convert svg to CustomPainter code:
I think this needs a lot of manual work to make it interactive.
Flutter project where I tried these options: Didn't get enough time to make the CustomPainter interactive.
Create a web-based game to be implemented into bible kids ap
Acceptance criteria:
Colouring sheets BCCO_Jesus_child_A4.pdf fargeleggingsark_PaulusogSilas2.pdf fargeleggingsark_Peter_og_Anden2.pdf Guds-rike.pdf
SISA_S01_E04_FL_Jesus_med_barna.pdf SISA_S01_E06_FL_02-kopi.pdf Untitled_Artwork-7.pdf Untitled_Artwork-9.pdf
Predefined Color Palett: