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Technology Radar #66

Closed jacobe closed 1 year ago

jacobe commented 1 year ago

Added a description for the technology radar. Please add your comments and/or suggestions. If you want to add more technologies later you can just make new PRs.

The radar component is built based on this project and here's the link to the published version: https://developer.bcc.no/guides/tech-radar.html

PS. I made this into a PR to spawn a discussion in the community.

Related to #64

kkuepper commented 1 year ago

Flutter should be added (trial or adopt). Xamarin is probably hold. .NET MAUI (Multi-plattform App UI) might be interesting in the future. Does that make it assess?

kkuepper commented 1 year ago

@rvanoord Is Google Analytics a hold? And what should we use instead?

KillerX commented 1 year ago

Agree with @kkuepper on Flutter, Xamarin (Xamarin support will end on May 1, 2024 for all Xamarin SDKs), and MAUI as the replacement for Xamarin.

Ref GA: There are several countries that have found GA to be in breach of privacy laws, but it is also worth nothing that the "new" version called "Google Analytics 4" is supposedly a separate product that does not suffer from the same issues, but that has not been confirmed from a legal/court standpoint to my knowledge.

https://www.gpdp.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/9782874#english https://www.euractiv.com/section/data-protection/news/france-joins-austria-says-google-analytics-data-not-protected-in-us/ https://noyb.eu/en/austrian-dsb-eu-us-data-transfers-google-analytics-illegal

akselkvitberg commented 1 year ago

Regarding Google Analytics and use in Norway: https://www.datatilsynet.no/aktuelt/aktuelle-nyheter-2022/google-analytics-kan-vare-ulovlig/

We use https://matomo.org/ at work.

Ghostbird commented 1 year ago

rename Xamarin

I wouldn't do that in this way. Xamarin is deprecated, MAUI is its not-exactly-drop-in replacement. That both use the .NET for iOS / Android technology under the hood is knowledge only those who have worked with Xamarin and MAUI in more depth will know. A developer will generally be presented with a choice that involves Xamarin or MAUI. Then the tech radar can help drive the choice.

We might note these kind of things in a more detailed part on technologies we use, but I'd recommend against using it on the radar..

Ghostbird commented 1 year ago

Flutter should be added (trial or adopt). Xamarin is probably hold. .NET MAUI (Multi-plattform App UI) might be interesting in the future. Does that make it assess?

I'd put MAUI in the assess category most definitely. We know it exists. We have developers that can use it (such as I), but we haven't used it for BCC IT yet, and the main question is whether there will be a situation where it's the right choice for a BCC IT project.

kkuepper commented 1 year ago

rename Xamarin

I wouldn't do that in this way. Xamarin is deprecated, MAUI is its not-exactly-drop-in replacement. That both use the .NET for iOS / Android technology under the hood is knowledge only those who have worked with Xamarin and MAUI in more depth will know. A developer will generally be presented with a choice that involves Xamarin or MAUI. Then the tech radar can help drive the choice.

We might note these kind of things in a more detailed part on technologies we use, but I'd recommend against using it on the radar..

My thinking was that, if we call it Xamarin and someone googles Xamarin they might get the impression that we need to start rewriting the BMM app ASAP, since the support expires by the time a new app can be written. But that's not true since .NET for iOS and Android will be supported for a long time. But that kind of nuance doesn't necessarily belong on the Tech Radar. I think the current solution '.NET for iOS and Android (Xamarin)' is precise and understandable.

rvanoord commented 1 year ago

@rvanoord Is Google Analytics a hold? And what should we use instead?

Agree that "Google Analytics" should be "hold" due to uncertainties with GDPR