Closed Rob-Hague closed 6 months ago
Follow-up to 76e24757cf (, this time for the constant Sike data.
In the same test app on top of the same branch:
i.e. the assembly trims nicely there with no cost to the untrimmed size.
As before, the source code was generated by reflecting over instances of the existing classes:
using Org.BouncyCastle.Pqc.Crypto.Sike; using System; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; P434 lc = new(isCompressed: true); string[] bz2FieldNames = [ "ph2_path", "ph3_path", "A_gen", "B_gen", "XQB3", "A_basis_zero", "B_basis_zero", "B_gen_3_tors", "g_R_S_im", "g_phiR_phiS_re", "g_phiR_phiS_im", "Montgomery_RB1", "Montgomery_RB2", "threeinv", "u_entang", "u0_entang", "table_r_qr", "table_r_qnr", "table_v_qr", "table_v_qnr", "v_3_torsion", "T_tate3", "T_tate2_firststep_P", "T_tate2_P", "T_tate2_firststep_Q", "T_tate2_Q", "ph2_T", "ph3_T1", "ph3_T2", ]; FieldInfo[] fields = lc.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); using StreamWriter sw = new(@"C:\tmp\out.txt"); using IndentedTextWriter tw = new(sw); tw.Indent++; //class tw.WriteLine(); // to get tabs on next line foreach (string fieldName in bz2FieldNames) { FieldInfo field = fields.Single(f => f.Name == fieldName); if (field.FieldType == typeof(uint[])) { uint[] data = (uint[])field.GetValue(lc); int nonZeroDataLength = data.AsSpan().LastIndexOfAnyExcept(0u) + 1; tw.WriteLine($"private static readonly uint[] s_{field.Name} = new uint[{nonZeroDataLength}]"); tw.WriteLine("{"); tw.Indent++; foreach (uint[] chunk in data.Take(nonZeroDataLength).Chunk(8)) { tw.Write("0x"); tw.Write(string.Join(", 0x", chunk.Select(u => u.ToString("X8")))); tw.WriteLine(","); } tw.Indent--; tw.WriteLine("};"); tw.WriteLine(); } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(ulong[])) { ulong[] data = (ulong[])field.GetValue(lc); int nonZeroDataLength = data.AsSpan().LastIndexOfAnyExcept(0u) + 1; tw.WriteLine($"private static readonly ulong[] s_{field.Name} = new ulong[{nonZeroDataLength}]"); tw.WriteLine("{"); tw.Indent++; foreach (ulong[] chunk in data.Take(nonZeroDataLength).Chunk(4)) { tw.Write("0x"); tw.Write(string.Join(", 0x", chunk.Select(u => u.ToString("X16")))); tw.WriteLine(","); } tw.Indent--; tw.WriteLine("};"); tw.WriteLine(); } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(ulong[][])) { ulong[][] data = (ulong[][])field.GetValue(lc); tw.WriteLine($"private static readonly ulong[][] s_{field.Name} = new ulong[{data.Length}][]"); tw.WriteLine("{"); tw.Indent++; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { int nonZeroDataLength = data[i].AsSpan().LastIndexOfAnyExcept(0u) + 1; tw.WriteLine($"new ulong[{nonZeroDataLength}]"); tw.WriteLine("{"); tw.Indent++; foreach (ulong[] chunk in data[i].Take(nonZeroDataLength).Chunk(4)) { tw.Write("0x"); tw.Write(string.Join(", 0x", chunk.Select(u => u.ToString("X16")))); tw.WriteLine(","); } tw.Indent--; tw.WriteLine("},"); } tw.Indent--; tw.WriteLine("};"); tw.WriteLine(); } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(ulong[][][])) { ulong[][][] data = (ulong[][][])field.GetValue(lc); tw.WriteLine($"private static readonly ulong[][][] s_{field.Name} = new ulong[{data.Length}][][]"); tw.WriteLine("{"); tw.Indent++; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { tw.WriteLine($"new ulong[{data[i].Length}][]"); tw.WriteLine("{"); tw.Indent++; for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; j++) { int nonZeroDataLength = data[i][j].AsSpan().LastIndexOfAnyExcept(0u) + 1; tw.WriteLine($"new ulong[{nonZeroDataLength}]"); tw.WriteLine("{"); tw.Indent++; foreach (ulong[] chunk in data[i][j].Take(nonZeroDataLength).Chunk(4)) { tw.Write("0x"); tw.Write(string.Join(", 0x", chunk.Select(u => u.ToString("X16")))); tw.WriteLine(","); } tw.Indent--; tw.WriteLine("},"); } tw.Indent--; tw.WriteLine("},"); } tw.Indent--; tw.WriteLine("};"); tw.WriteLine(); } else { Debug.Fail(field.FieldType.ToString()); } }
This would complete #422
Merged, thanks again.
Great, thanks
Follow-up to 76e24757cf (, this time for the constant Sike data.
In the same test app on top of the same branch:
i.e. the assembly trims nicely there with no cost to the untrimmed size.
As before, the source code was generated by reflecting over instances of the existing classes:
This would complete #422