Hello, I'm using ECDSA signing for a bitcoin implementation in java. and i have one question and one request if its possible
First Is the ECDSA signing with ECDSASigner(HMacDSAKCalculator(SHA2561Digest)) constant time?
Secondly, I'm using bouncy castle to implement Schnorr signatures.
Using a variant of HMacDSAKCalculator(SHA2561Digest) The only difference is that at init we include a piece of additional data to avoid issues with ECDSA signing. nextK is identical as HMacDSAKCalculator. what should i look into making this implementation constant time?
def sign(unsigned: ByteVector, privkey: PrivateKey): Signature = {
val privkeyNum = privkey.toBigInteger
val privkeyParams = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(privkeyNum, ecc.domain)
val N = ecc.domain.getN
val G = ecc.domain.getG
/** Calculate k*/
val nonceFunction = nonceRFC6979
nonceFunction.init(N, privkeyParams.getD, unsigned.toArray, additionalData.toArray)
val k0 = nonceFunction.nextK.mod(N)
/** R = k * G. Negate nonce if R.y is not a quadratic residue */
val R = G.multiply(k0).normalize
val k = if (hasSquareY(R)) k0 else N.subtract(k0)
/** e = Hash(R.x || compressed(P) || m) mod n */
val P = G.multiply(privkeyNum)
val pubBytes = P.getEncoded(true).toByteVector
val rx = R.getXCoord.toBigInteger.toUnsignedByteVector
val e = Sha256.hash(rx ++ pubBytes ++ unsigned).toBigInteger.mod(N)
/** s = (k + e * priv) mod n */
val s = e.multiply(privkeyNum).add(k).mod(N).toUnsignedByteVector
/** Signature = (R.x, s) */
val sig = rx ++ s
I asked here, and they basically said its impossible with BC. They also included some recommendations. what else you think i can do to mitigate issues with BigIntegers
Hello, I'm using ECDSA signing for a bitcoin implementation in java. and i have one question and one request if its possible
First Is the ECDSA signing with
constant time?Secondly, I'm using bouncy castle to implement Schnorr signatures. Using a variant of
The only difference is that atinit
we include a piece of additional data to avoid issues withECDSA
is identical asHMacDSAKCalculator
. what should i look into making this implementation constant time?The K Generator is here https://gist.github.com/sken77/f8b7d2a06e6a6dc703e77c609218d26d
From what I understand the problem could be on the multiplication of
. does the Bouncy castle does this in constant time? Thanks!