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Spatial File Saving Issue #969

Open emjohnst opened 3 weeks ago

emjohnst commented 3 weeks ago

I am trying to upload Nuxalk Carrier Grease Trail / Alexander Mackenzie Heritage Trail spatial files to the record.

I received merged and dissolved shapefiles of the trail from Archaeology Branch. I converted those files in ArcMap to KML files. The KML files will load into the mapbox.

Issue: when hitting save, I get the error message "Unable to save. Please verify your input is valid" I have attached screenshot.

This item is high priority because we are working on sharing our data for a trails project between several branches. It is also priority to have this trail in system for public site launch because it is a provincially designated trail.

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bferguso commented 2 weeks ago

This is caused by the KML file having more than 1500 coordinates. IMO this is an Arches bug because 1) If it is failing due to a limitation of the system it should state that in the message 2) It seems like the limitation is somewhat arbitrary - it's an elasticsearch document limitation, not a geometry/postgis limitation.

This is resolved in this PR Verifying if this can be pulled back into 7.5.3 release or whether we need to to a cherry pick of this until we migrate to 7.6.x.

emjohnst commented 2 weeks ago

@bferguso Do you know the timeline on release 7.5 and release 7.6? I may be able to ask if Archaeology's GIS specialist would be able to help us reduce the number of points - but I don't want to waste their time if this might be resolved shortly. Thanks!

bferguso commented 2 weeks ago

@emjohnst - 7.5.3 will likely be out soon, but we won't go live with it until we release the public website. 7.6.x is scheduled for sometime in October. If you ask to have the geometry broken up that means there will be 2 geometry features for the single trail. I'm not sure how that will affect the DataBC export, so if that's a concern we should look into it.

bferguso commented 1 week ago

The above arches core PR won't fix this. I've done a proof of concept to fix this, and had preliminary discussions w/ Farallon about including it in arches core. They have the same issue we're having and are onboard with the approach. 7.5.x PR is here (which won't get merged in): and the 7.6.x is here (which should get merged in in some form) is here