I want to confirm that the DINE policy automatically creates DNS A-records for SQL Server deployments in our central private DNS zone, so that SQL Server instances are properly discoverable within our network.
A DINE policy has been implemented to automatically create DNS records
The policy targets SQL Server resources using the suspected groupId: sqlServer
Testing is needed to validate both the policy functionality and the correct resource targeting
Acceptance Criteria
When a new SQL Server is deployed in the forge environment:
An A-record is automatically created in the central private DNS zone
The A-record correctly points to the SQL Server's IP address
The record name follows the expected naming convention
The DINE policy properly identifies SQL Server resources:
Confirm the sqlServer groupId correctly targets SQL Server deployments
No false positives (policy doesn't trigger for non-SQL Server resources)
No false negatives (policy doesn't miss any SQL Server deployments)
Test Steps
Deploy a new SQL Server instance in the forge environment
Wait for policy evaluation cycle
Check the central private DNS zone for the new A-record
Verify the record's IP address matches the SQL Server instance
Document findings, especially regarding the sqlServer groupId accuracy
Additional Notes
Document any issues or unexpected behavior for policy refinement
Success criteria includes both technical functionality and correct resource targeting
As a platform administrator,
I want to confirm that the DINE policy automatically creates DNS A-records for SQL Server deployments in our central private DNS zone, so that SQL Server instances are properly discoverable within our network.
Acceptance Criteria
When a new SQL Server is deployed in the forge environment:
The DINE policy properly identifies SQL Server resources:
groupId correctly targets SQL Server deploymentsTest Steps
groupId accuracyAdditional Notes