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CKAN extension - Galileo Agent (python) #54

Closed BK01 closed 5 years ago

BK01 commented 7 years ago

Estimate: CKAN extension to use python Galileo agent.

Send call to Galileo, list of apps, select an app, display reports.

DataBC create Galileo endpoint, token stored as config item in extension. Extension feeds BCDC logs into Galileo.

No visual component in extension, as it relies on Galileo. Could serve as a google analytics replacement if needed in future.

Docs: Galileo Agent Spec: Galileo API: see version 1.1.1 of specs in above link

Next steps:

DataBC description Brock - Research and provide estimate.

BK01 commented 6 years ago

To provide estimate. Future: analytics to BCDC team

banders commented 6 years ago

@BK01 I estimate this task will take about three days effort.

banders commented 6 years ago

@BK01 @ll911 is there a github repository for this new extension yet? If not, perhaps you can create an empty repo as a starting point for this work...

ll911 commented 6 years ago


ll911 commented 6 years ago

need to create access token for this

banders commented 6 years ago

@ll911 Can you send me the galileo service token when you have a chance? Thanks!

BK01 commented 6 years ago

To confirm endpoint being used and version dependency (virt env?). @ll911 to provide details.

banders commented 6 years ago

the mashape-analytics python agent shares some dependencies with CKAN, but requires slightly different versions. This causes dependency conflicts when running CKAN. I suspect mashape-analytics doesn't need to be so strict with the dependency versions it requires, and I have requested they specify minimum versions in their file instead of exact versions:

banders commented 6 years ago

@ll911 @BK01 I have committed the initial version of the ckanext-galileo plugin:

Can you try installing this in the delivery environment? The readme has install instructions.

BK01 commented 6 years ago

DataBC to deploy. Mashape analytics python library dependencies are in conflict. @ll911 investigating resolution.

BK01 commented 6 years ago

DataBC to look into options including embedding MA within the plugin, or running the plugin within a container (virtual environment) to avoid dependency conflicts.

BK01 commented 6 years ago

DataBC to try following CKAN 2.7 update

BK01 commented 6 years ago

On hold until Galileo license is confirmed