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Review Digital Ocean Apps #159

Closed WadeBarnes closed 3 months ago

WadeBarnes commented 5 months ago

Following is the list of applications we host on Digital Ocean.

Do we want to decommission any of them?

~Of those we want to keep, can we scale the resources to minimal levels?~



WadeBarnes commented 5 months ago

@alexgmetcalf, Could you validate the long term plan for the site please?

WadeBarnes commented 5 months ago

@swcurran, @esune, For review and discussion.

WadeBarnes commented 5 months ago

cc @jljordan42, @CharlesMacpherson

alexgmetcalf commented 5 months ago

@alexgmetcalf, Could you validate the long term plan for the site please?

We should be able to retire the need for it in the next quarter or so—both the domain name and the hosted site.

swcurran commented 5 months ago

@WadeBarnes — In addition to retriing the WordPress site (has the URL been removed from everywhere?), I’d like to close down all the unused services we have running, or at minimum scale down the ones that are rarely used.


Is there a place where we can see what URLs are referencing what resources?


WadeBarnes commented 5 months ago
  • What is icatagent? I don’t even remember any more.
  • I don’t think we have ever used/advertised Prod BCovrin, so let’s just take it down.
  • dflow is referenced in a few places, but only one, so the other can/should be taken down.

    • Assuming we don’t care about the data already published on the ledgers (since it is just tutorials), could we just change the genesis file to be BCovrin Test so that it used that network?
  • Is there effort in reducing the resources to minimize the costs of all but BCovrin Test (which is really the only one we need). Does it take work to do all that.

Is there a place where we can see what URLs are referencing what resources?


All of the URLs (or links to them) for the services are available in the description. If you click in references, you will be taken to a google search for references to the given service you can review. I also did a resource review on all the droplets, they are as small as they can be. All info in the description, please review.

For each of the ledgers, other than BCovrin Test, I have provided information on the last use as of this morning and the number of transactions on the ledger to provide an indication on how often the ledgers are used.

swcurran commented 5 months ago

Sorry — I didn’t see the description :-). The email I clicked on jump me right to the comment about, and I didn’t scroll up. I’ll review that and offer suggestions.

esune commented 5 months ago

Agentbook/icatagent was a VERY old demo we put together for IIW if I remember correctly, I would think by now it can be decommissioned as it is really, really old.

I am not sure what dFlow is still used for, I believe we decommissioned all of the demos using it in OpenShift so I would think the related services in DO can go as well?

Agreed that a production von-network won't be very useful and should be purged. BCovrin dev is used by some demos/Traction instances for development purposes.

WadeBarnes commented 5 months ago

Agentbook/icatagent was a VERY old demo we put together for IIW if I remember correctly, I would think by now it can be decommissioned as it is really, really old.

You are correct, this was one of our original demo apps that included messaging.

I am not sure what dFlow is still used for, I believe we decommissioned all of the demos using it in OpenShift so I would think the related services in DO can go as well?

If you look at the details and links in the description, you'll see dFlow are the Greenlight ledgers. History, they were originally created for the dFlow demo apps, which were later renamed to Greenlight. These were the demos for the flow associated with the restaurant permit licensing. That said, references to those ledgers made it into various documentation as you'll see in the reference links. They are also being used, to a lesser scale than BCovrin Test, activity. We do not use them for any of our demos but others following the demo docs do.

Agreed that a production von-network won't be very useful and should be purged. BCovrin dev is used by some demos/Traction instances for development purposes.

BCovrin Prod is/was used as a placeholder for Sovrin MainNet for applications integrating with OrgBook that were not quite ready to go live. We've rarely used it in the past while.

WadeBarnes commented 5 months ago

I've updated the descriptions with some additional usage information, and my recommendation of Decommission/Keep.

Of the ledgers, I think we should keep BCovrin Dev and BCovrin Test. The others could be retired, and we could setup a redirect site (that can be reused for all the decommissioned ledgers) for them that indicates the ledger has been decommissioned and recommend the use of BCovrin Test as the replacement.

esune commented 3 months ago

@WadeBarnes this is being worked on currently, correct (i.e.: BCovrin ledgers review)? If so I'll assign it to you and move to "In Progress"

WadeBarnes commented 3 months ago

icatagent and all of the BCovrin instances, other than BCovrin Test, have been scaled down and will be decommissioned permanently on April 1st. The DNS records for the BCovrin instances have been redirected to BCovrin Test. Notices have been posted in two locations on both the Hyperledger and Open Wallet Foundation discord servers.

WadeBarnes commented 3 months ago

The content for which was hosted on migrated to it's new home yesterday afternoon. has been scaled down and will be decommissioned with the other droplets on April 1st.

WadeBarnes commented 3 months ago

Work here is complete.