bcgov / EPIC.track

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Workplan Page - Accordion Phase Appearance #2037

Open Connor1892 opened 3 months ago

Connor1892 commented 3 months ago

As a User

I want to See the correct representation of date appearance once the phase is completed

so that I can understand how many days it took the team to complete it

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario 1:

GIVEN Workplan of any Work is open WHEN The Actual date for the last event of the phase is put in AND when I click Save THEN Phase is moved to the completed AND the following information on the phase

Scenario 2:

GIVEN Scenario 1 WHEN 'last event actual phase date - first event actual phase date' is MORE than 'Total phase days' THEN Days in the format 'last event actual phase date' - 'first event actual phase date' / 'total phase days' (XX days over) AND text colour is Error/Dark

Scenario 3:

GIVEN Scenario 1 WHEN 'last event actual phase date - first event actual phase date' is LESS than 'Total phase days' THEN Days in the format 'last event actual phase date' - 'first event actual phase date' / 'total phase days' (XX days early) AND text colour is Success/Dark


Screen Shot 2024-03-26 at 4.41.05 PM.png
maria-kuzmenko commented 3 months ago

link to prototype -

involved Ethan in verbiage conversation.

jadmsaadaot commented 3 months ago

@Connor1892 @maria-kuzmenko

@dinesh-aot and I had a conversation about this. Regarding completed phases, we have an issue with getting the days passed value. We're giving this a thought, but in the meantime it's a bit blocked