Updating the python 3.7 reference in Pipfile to be Python 3.8
An updated Pipfile.lock was created on microservice_ssm server
Command list to test
microservice_ssm cd branch/GDXDSD-6710_update_to_python_3.8/looker_dashboard_usage/ /home/microservice/.local/bin/./pipenv run python3.8 looker_dashboard_usage.py looker_dashboard_usage.json
Expected Result:
Report: looker_dashboard_usage.py
Config: looker_dashboard_usage.json
This microservice ran: successful
Microservice started at: 2024-07-04 09:27:23-0700 (PDT), ended at: 2024-07-04 09:27:25-0700 (PDT), elapsing: 0:00:01.679386.
Objects to process: 4
Objects that failed to process: 0
Objects output to 'processed/good': 4
Objects output to 'processed/bad': 0
List of objects successfully fully ingested from S3, processed, loaded to S3 ('good'), and copied to Redshift:
1. client/brado_test/looker_dashboards/dashboard.2024-07-03
2. client/brado_test/looker_dashboards/history.2024-07-03
3. client/brado_test/looker_dashboards/user.2024-07-03
4. client/brado_test/looker_dashboards/looker_user_facts.2024-07-03
[microservice@ip-172-31-20-95 looker_dashboard_usage]$
There is a know warning warning around pandas and wanting migration to SQLAlchemy, process does run as we are not doing unsupported calls. Creating Story Ticket to address.
Updating the python 3.7 reference in Pipfile to be Python 3.8 An updated Pipfile.lock was created on microservice_ssm server
Command list to test
microservice_ssm cd branch/GDXDSD-6710_update_to_python_3.8/looker_dashboard_usage/ /home/microservice/.local/bin/./pipenv run python3.8 looker_dashboard_usage.py looker_dashboard_usage.json
Expected Result:
There is a know warning warning around pandas and wanting migration to SQLAlchemy, process does run as we are not doing unsupported calls. Creating Story Ticket to address.