bcgov / MFIN-Data-Catalogue

The Finance Data Catalogue enables users to discover data holdings at the BC Ministry of Finance and offers information and functionality that benefits consumers of data for business purposes. The product is built using Drupal and adheres to the Government of BC's Core Metadata Standard.
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Allow related documents that don't have a URL #402

Closed ChristaBull closed 2 months ago

ChristaBull commented 3 months ago

OP timer

User story

As a metadata record creator/editor I want to be able to provide information about related documents that aren't on a website so that the information that is available is documented and people know where to find it.

Describe the idea

Remove restriction on the document link field to allow locations on file servers, or LANs to be provided.

Currently the related documents associated with a metadata record need to have a URL to be added; however, in many cases the information is not available on an external website. This may change over time (e.g. new PIAs end up on a SharePoint) but it doesn't respect our current state.

[!NOTE] This should be done with #419

CraigClark commented 3 months ago

@NicoledeGreef what patterns would be used here? Also, if we make changes here, we should change the help text too

NicoledeGreef commented 3 months ago

Relates to #295

We'll look at identifying the patterns.

NicoledeGreef commented 3 months ago

@CraigClark @lkmorlan here are the general patterns as to what should be accepted for links:

Fileshares: \\\FIN_DATA_SHARE_DOCUMENTATION\file_name.pdf


Share drive locations: \\sfp.idir.bcgov\s105\S05016\Info Tech\Support Documentation 6450-80\FIN-Finance Data Store\Finance Data Store - Data Catalog.docx

*After discussing it with some business reps we determined that mapped drive references are OK to include. Ideally these should not include letters though and Related documents must be suppressed for non-authenticated users.

It is recognized that whether or not an interested party's mapped drive is equivalent to the MR editor's mapped drive could be an issue. IMB as default LAN based on a letter (some users may lost and re-map the same or another letter) and there are lettered LAN drives for different business areas; access is granted on an as needed basis. Using a network drive location instead of a letter will cut down on issues stemming from discrepancies of mapping to a letter. This may be an education piece for some users.

e.g. \sfp.idir.bcgov\s105\S05016\Info Tech\Support Documentation 6450-80\FIN-Finance Data Store\Finance Data Store - Data Catalog.docx instead of J:\Info Tech\Support Documentation 6450-80\FIN-Finance Data Store\Finance Data Store - Data Catalog.docx

If an interested party can't resolve the link and believes they need it, they will have to reach out to the point of contact for the MR to determine what the issue is and what is feasible.

There was a suggestion that Related documents could be shown on a separate view rather than in the sidebar. This is something we can look out for in user testing but we are not prepared to change that at this point in time.

NicoledeGreef commented 2 months ago

Reviewed at: which was a metadata record with 3 related docs defined prior to this enhancement.

Image Image Image

The live view of the record displays the content as: Image

One thing I did encounter was: after I added the PIA doc link and title and tried to Save I was prevented from doing so because the form expected all three related documents to have a doc link value. Perhaps we should consider make the doc link a non-required value.

It's unfortunate we cannot make live links to fileshares but I suppose copy/paste is fine for the users that can see it and need to refer to the documents. Would be nice if all the docs were web enabled some day so we can get around this security related browser limitation.

@ChristaBull please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns about present state of delivery on this item.

NicoledeGreef commented 2 months ago

@lkmorlan is going to move Related documents content under the Data usage section as a details element which will allow us to keep all the details available for consumers but will keep it initially hidden from the screen until the icon is clicked, similar to data lineage.

This is an interim, compromise solution compared to where we are at currently and the significant amount of build and test required to implement a separate page. Unlike Information Management, which is a taxonomy, there is custom work involved in creating a separate page to display. That is not an investment we can afford to make at this time.

Recommend revisiting this in the future to see if and how Related documents is being used post-launch. Also, if the related docs info assets were http or ftp enabled we'd be able to keep things much more succinct.

CraigClark commented 2 months ago

The <details> element should look like this


details closed


details open

CraigClark commented 2 months ago


Liam has done this, we were thinking this could be enhanced by adding some HTML and tweaking some css

We could make it look like this using <code> tag


We could also get rid of all the wrapping using <pre><code>, it looks nicer, but unless you know to click three times or drag to select, you may miss copying the whole link Example is in the second privacy impact assessment


Please let me know if you would like either of these changes and we will do a build of all we have so far.

NicoledeGreef commented 2 months ago

I think the code tag for non HTTP links is a good idea, given the current state of where docs are stored. I don't really like the pink colour but that is probably easily changed?

CraigClark commented 2 months ago

@NicoledeGreef That's the standard code colour, but we can change it when used in this instance. What colour would you like?

CraigClark commented 2 months ago

Also, to confirm, its the colour/font you want changed. Not the <pre> which would keep it all on one line but side scroll.

NicoledeGreef commented 2 months ago

@NicoledeGreef That's the standard code colour, but we can change it when used in this instance. What colour would you like?

How about dark gray?

NicoledeGreef commented 2 months ago

Also, to confirm, its the colour/font you want changed. Not the \<pre\> which would keep it all on one line but side scroll.

I think it should wrap.

CraigClark commented 2 months ago

How about dark gray? I'll find something dark, but light enough it looks different from the other text

NicoledeGreef commented 2 months ago

looks good