The Finance Data Catalogue enables users to discover data holdings at the BC Ministry of Finance and offers information and functionality that benefits consumers of data for business purposes. The product is built using Drupal and adheres to the Government of BC's Core Administrative and Descriptive etadata Standard.
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Indicate to the user that bookmarking an MR will subscribe them to notifications about changes to it #552
As a new user of the bookmarks feature, I would like some indication that when I use it, I will get notifications about changes to the MR I bookmark.
Describe the idea
One way to do this is with wording. Some options:
"Watch" (this seems like a good option)
Another way is to put a textual note near the bookmark button/link that tells the user what will happen when they click it. Or put an info icon that shows that message when hovered over, or which links to the relevant documentation page.
Fun aside: There's an interesting approach I've seen that takes the documentation link idea and applies it to basically everything (in a good way, I think). Logic Pro X (A digital audio workstation software) has a "Quick Help" button to toggle a mode where hovering the mouse over any(?) UI element results in a card appearing that explains what it is/does, and which often links to related documentation. It's a pretty helpful feature for a new user.
User story
As a new user of the bookmarks feature, I would like some indication that when I use it, I will get notifications about changes to the MR I bookmark.
Describe the idea
One way to do this is with wording. Some options:
Another way is to put a textual note near the bookmark button/link that tells the user what will happen when they click it. Or put an info icon that shows that message when hovered over, or which links to the relevant documentation page.
Fun aside: There's an interesting approach I've seen that takes the documentation link idea and applies it to basically everything (in a good way, I think). Logic Pro X (A digital audio workstation software) has a "Quick Help" button to toggle a mode where hovering the mouse over any(?) UI element results in a card appearing that explains what it is/does, and which often links to related documentation. It's a pretty helpful feature for a new user.