Please check if the PR fulfills these requirements:
[x] After these changes, the app was run and still works as expected
[ ] Unit tests for these changes were added (if applicable)
[x] All existing unit tests were run and still pass
Please specify the type of change this PR introduces (Bug fix, feature addition, content update, chore, etc.):
--adds eslint and prettier to aid in code formatting
--adds a ton of automated formatting changes
--adds husky and lint-staged to check code formatting before pushing to the repo
--adds a few minor code changes to resolve eslint errors that couldn't be fixed automatically (see commit 113ed9e7d8c9584471956d05fcb917775eff7cf1 for all of these grouped together)
Please check if the PR fulfills these requirements:
Please specify the type of change this PR introduces (Bug fix, feature addition, content update, chore, etc.):
--adds eslint and prettier to aid in code formatting --adds a ton of automated formatting changes --adds husky and lint-staged to check code formatting before pushing to the repo --adds a few minor code changes to resolve eslint errors that couldn't be fixed automatically (see commit 113ed9e7d8c9584471956d05fcb917775eff7cf1 for all of these grouped together)
Additional Notes: