bcgov / NRPTI

Natural Resources Public Transparency Initiative
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Add new issuing agency #1060

Closed RFK250 closed 11 months ago

RFK250 commented 1 year ago

As a staff user of NRPTI from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, I need to be able to add records in NRPTI using the issuing agency "Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship" so that the records I publish appear properly to users of NRCED.

AC GIVEN I am a user with the admin:wlrs role WHEN I navigate to the Records List page THEN I am able to view the records appropriate to my role (i.e. all records, but personal information is masked except for records created with the admin:wlrs role)

AND WHEN when I select an Add Record choice (e.g. Administrative Penalty, Administrative Sanction, etc) THEN the Issuing Agency field is automatically populated with Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship

GIVEN I am a user with the sysadmin role WHEN I select an Add Record choice from the Records List page AND I click on the Issuing Agency drop-down menu THEN I see and am able to select Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship

RFK250 commented 1 year ago

@jakemorr @LolandaE We're training WLRS staff on Monday, but that's okay - I can use the admin:flnro for training purposes in Test. I could also let them publish under admin:flnro as well, and then I can update the issuing agency for their records manually.

RFK250 commented 1 year ago

Oh, and I once again created the ticket directly from the pipeline instead of the New Issue button so I didn't get the template. Sorry. :) Will try to remember next time I add a ticket.