bcgov / NRPTI

Natural Resources Public Transparency Initiative
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Automated publishing of redacted Mines Act inspection reports #1125

Closed RFK250 closed 2 months ago

RFK250 commented 11 months ago

As a NRCED user interested in mining operations, I want to be able to view the inspection reports for mines so that I can understand how the mine is operating and feel confident that government is holding mining companies accountable.

As a Mines inspector, I want ONLY inspection reports that are reviewed and redacted to be published to NRCED so that we remain compliant with the Mines Act.

Additional Context

Acceptance Criteria


API called for obtaining nris-emli records: "" inspectionStartDate: 2020-01-01 (Hardcoded) inspectionEndDate: 2 weeks from start date, for every subsequent call this is incremented 7 days until end date reaches current date.

The following checks are done to find valid complete records that are >= 7 days:

//Only import assessmentSubStatus in 'Closed', 'Response Received' or 'Report Sent' const validassessmentSubStatus = ['Closed', 'Response Received', 'Report Sent'];

//For 'Response Received' and 'Report Sent' only import records that are 45 days old if (validassessmentSubStatus.slice(1).includes(record.assessmentSubStatus) && reportDateAge < 45) return false;

//reject if inspection type isn't Mine Inspection: if (record.inspection.inspectionSubType !== 'Mine Inspection') return false;

//reject if assessmentSubType isn't Compliance Review or Inspection if (record.assessmentSubType !== 'Compliance Review' && record.assessmentSubType !== 'Inspection') return false;

//reject if inspectionSubType is audit if (record.inspection.inspectionType[0] === 'Audit') return false;

This is how a valid nris-emli record looks like that is obtained via the api call.


LolandaE commented 7 months ago

Waiting for NRIS updates from CS at Mines

sggerard commented 3 months ago

Currently uploading of record attachments in the NRS-EMLI integration are disabled using the environment variable NRIS_EMLI_DOCUMENT_BINARIES_ENABLED. This environment variable does not appear to be set in openshift so would default to false. See relevant commit:

Edit: Nevermind, env variable is set here and is currently enabled:

Currently logic only allows 'Final Report' to be published. At this time are we only looking to publish Inspection reports and not other attachments? Need to filter attachments by attachmentComment of "INSPECTION Report", fileType = "Report" for example.

Short term/initial increment solution might be to check attachment filePath (file name) and/or potentially the attachComment field (depending on where else the field flows) for specific keyword/s such as PUBLIC, REDACTED or FINALIZED.

Note: After a specific date all inspection records will be redacted and contain no personal information.

Long term solution would be to implement a publish or public field on the attachment in NRIS that flows through the API. Can add support for this on the NRPTI end awaiting future implementation on the NRIS end. Robin Indicated this is being worked on already

Keegnan commented 3 months ago

Can work off June 1st, 2024

acatchpole commented 2 months ago

merged and deployed to test

sggerard commented 2 months ago

Hard to test as the EMLI importer isn't currently running due to what appears to be a major outage

ColinSquirrell commented 2 months ago

@sggerard - Sorry, last minute change. Due to a recent data migration in inspection categories here some updated qualifiers for which records are valid:

Change in valid records: if (record.assessmentSubType !== 'Inspection - Desktop' && record.assessmentSubType !== 'Inspection - Site Visit') return false;

This condition is no longer required (all inspectionSubType are acceptable to post) //reject if inspectionSubType is audit if (record.inspection.inspectionType[0] === 'Audit') return false;

New Condition Only import records for Visit Date >= July 1, 2024

New Condition Can we add an additional condition that only imports a file if it's a PDF. (no Word, or image, etc.)

sggerard commented 2 months ago

Additional condition Publicly Post the Inspection Report = Yes


sggerard commented 1 month ago

@ColinSquirrell - I have some follow up questions:

For allowing only pdf's I have added a condition: attachment.attachmentMediaType == 'application/pdf'

ColinSquirrell commented 1 month ago

@sggerard Thanks Sam! Good questions.

1) Publicly Post Inspection Report is in production - a recent addition so perhaps while captured in NRIS it was not incorporated into the API? If so we would be blocked and required action by CGI in the next NRIS release to expose? @jakemorr ?

2) Here's the front-end view of Visit Date (date the inspector visited the inspection). Probably most reliable field for capturing post July 1, 2024 date. image

2) File types to upload. Only PDFs and file category is "Report" or "Final Report" image

RFK250 commented 1 month ago

It's amazing to see this work still continuing. What a great milestone this will be.

sggerard commented 1 month ago

Blocked awaiting action by CGI

ColinSquirrell commented 1 month ago

July 25, 2024 - Request raised with NRIS interim Product Owner Adding this functionality to NRIS will be blocked behind other priority NRIS work. Expecting multi-month delay before NRIS API work can proceed to unblock this ticket.

RFK250 commented 1 month ago

That is disappointing.

Edit: I realize that is not the most helpful comment. I am happy to contribute more productive comments, but I kind of feel like this isn't really my space to be contributing right now. :) But, you know I love this product and am willing to help if I can!