Closed andrewsignori-aot closed 1 year ago
As we didn't have the requirements for "The file name change" item atm, it was transferred to
Compilation of bugs and changes needed after Finastra part-time file tests.
e-Cert tuition remittance
The system is saving to the column
when it should actually be saving the minimum value betweentuition_remittance_requested_amount
andmax calculated tuition remittance
. Source code reference: e-cert-generation.service.tsFile name change
The name of the file that SIMS generates needs to be different than the one generated by SFAS. Waiting for Finastra to provide us with the file names.
File max line length
The total line length for the header, record, and footer must be adjusted to be 756.
Field of study
The "field of study" should be sent as a text but it is currently being sent as a number. So, considering the field of study as 32, it should be sent as "32 " instead of "0032".
The e-Cert generation is trying to find a grant named CSGPT but the workflow is actually generating the grant as CSPT and also the position of the grants is not correct.
Feedback file
when it needs to be a pattern to capture file names asTEDU.PBC.NEW.ECERTSFB.PT.20230511.001
.Acceptance Criteria