bcgov / SIMS

Student Information Management System. Post-Secondary Student Financial Aid System
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Enable Offerings attached to Deactivated Programs to be edited ('Mass Offering Change' and 'Student Edit') #3279

Open HRAGANBC opened 1 month ago

HRAGANBC commented 1 month ago

User Story As a student editing their application after their program was deactivated, I want the deactivated program and all associated offerings to be selectable on their dropdown list, so that I can remain eligible to train out of my program.

As a Ministry user, I want to be able to edit an offering (i.e. 'mass offering change') within a deactivated program so that the offerings still in active use by students can be modified and remain up-to-date.

As a Ministry user, I want to be able to initiate a Request an Offering Change for a single student attending a deactivated program, and have the deactivated program still be selectable, and new offerings to be able to be created.

Rationale for why these are low priority: