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BC Registries - add "Firm Owner Name" to the Relationship credential #706

Closed ianco closed 5 years ago

ianco commented 5 years ago

Based on feedback from BC Reg:

"1. Owners of firms are required to file updates to their firms if a name change or amalgamation of the proprietor (FBO) takes place. With a name change this would ledger a new filing for the firm and result in an updated corp_party.busness_nme. With an amalgamation this would result in an updated corp_party.bus_company_num and may also update the corp_party.business_nme. In many cases a user can select an option in the Corporate Online filing to have the firm filing automatically completed as a result of the corporate filing. However, in other cases a separate firm filing must be submitted by mail to our office..

The business requirement is to ensure that data displaying in OrgBook is a true representation of what BC Registries has on file. In this case STEPHEN J. OLIVER LAW CORPORATION should be listed in the Related To section as the update to the firm owner has not yet been filed for FM0501860. If you are already joining on the bus_company_num could you employ some logic post-join to then pull the ‘Related To’ name from the corp_party FBO row? An alternate approach would be to employ matching to only display when the names match but this means ‘Related To’ links aren’t included when users are pending a maintenance action which is not desirable.

Note: I’ve completed some testing with the amalgamation scenarios and they seem to be working as expected.

A) Proprietor amalgamates and number changes. No name changes

                            E.g. FM0431872, owned by Beatty Floors Ltd. 0010627. This entity has actually amalgamated into 0997988 with same name. Links correct. Active

                            E.g. FM0598887, owned by 557317 B.C. Ltd. 1050343. This entity has become historical and amalgamated into 557317 with same name. Historical

B) Proprietor amalgamates and number and name changes.

                            E.g. FM0304929, owned by Cavell Enterprises Ltd. 0463768. This entity has actually amalgamated into P & S Savage Holdings Ltd. 1000405"