Describe the task
Entrust Certificate expired August 30, 2023. Certbot was down so we implemented a Let's Encrypt Cert for 90 days while we wait to see if Certbot will be fixed. if Certbot is fixed we will need to renew an entrust cert then we proceed, if certbot is not up we will have to decide what our path forward is at that point.
This is required so that the end user doesn't experience a "your connection is not private" warning message (even though they can still click through and use the application).
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] iStore request created with billing information
[ ] Certificate is renewed and end user arrives at homepage with no warning message displayed
Additional Context
Need to look into why it doesn't send notifications to the Sustainment Team inbox about renewals, etc.
Might need to look into billing and duplicate request
Describe the task Entrust Certificate expired August 30, 2023. Certbot was down so we implemented a Let's Encrypt Cert for 90 days while we wait to see if Certbot will be fixed. if Certbot is fixed we will need to renew an entrust cert then we proceed, if certbot is not up we will have to decide what our path forward is at that point.
Purpose This is required so that the end user doesn't experience a "your connection is not private" warning message (even though they can still click through and use the application).
Acceptance Criteria
Additional Context