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BC Ministry of Agriculture Nutrient Management Program
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Pre-work: Understanding Calculations behind liquid Fertigation #651

Closed Keegnan closed 3 weeks ago

Keegnan commented 3 months ago

Objective To understand the calculations that support liquid fertigation application so that it can be incorporated into the overall nutrient balance.

Additional Context

Acceptance Criteria

Keegnan commented 1 month ago

@joandrews Do you have this information?

Keegnan commented 1 month ago


More information on the calculations are detailed in the Feritigation Calculator Spreadsheet

Keegnan commented 4 weeks ago

Take time to account we have everything we need (ie values) to determine the database structure.

acatchpole commented 3 weeks ago

Fertigation Calculations

Listed below are the expected fields present within the Fertigation Calculator modal. I have given them variable names for ease in referencing them in the equations section. These names are only intended to make reading the equations easier and are not based on any existing variables.

When doing conversions, the default (conversion factor 1) values are the ones that use some combination of US gallons, pounds, and acres. The listed conversion factors are how the different units relate to these base units. The conversionFactor listed always refers to the variable directly preceding it.

The calculated results for nutrients should always be presented in lb/acre to be consistent with other parts of the nutrient calculator. The calculated volume results could be in whatever unit is provided (but is the result of fields with possibly conflicting units).

The sections that have [nitrogen phosphorous potassium] are referring to a separate variable for each the nutrient types.

Input Fields

Field Possible Units Conversion Factor
Product Rate <productRate> US gallon/ac
Imp. gallon/ac
Density (provides value but can be edited) <productDensity> Lb/US gallon
Lb/Imp. gallon
Kg/US gallon
Injection Rate <injectionRate> US gallon/min
Imp. gallon/min
Proposed Number of Fertigations per Season <numberOfFertigations> number
Fertilizer Type <fertilizerType> Liquid Fertilizer
?Solid Fertilizer? (need to confirm)
Fertilizer <fertilizer> See list of fertilizers
Unique values for N P2O5 K2O

Relevant Data from Earlier in the Calculator

Field Possible Units
Fertigation Area <fertigationArea> acres
Nutrient Balance <[nitrogen phosphorous potassium]NutrientBalance> Lb/acre

Calculated Fields

Field Possible Units Equation
Total product volume per fertigation <volumePerFertigation> US gallon, Imp. gallon, Litre fertigationArea * productRate
Total product volume per season <volumePerSeason> US gallon, Imp. gallon, Litre volumePerFertigation * numberOfFertigations
Fertigation time <fertigationTime> minutes volumePerFertigation / (injectionRate / conversionFactor)
Applied Nutrients per fertigation <[nitrogen phosphorous potassium]PerFertigation> Lb/acre (productRate / 100) * productDensity * conversionFactor * fertilizer.[nitrogen phosphorous potassium]
Total Applied Nutrients per season <total[Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium]PerSeason> Lb/acre [nitrogen phosphorous potassium]PerFertigation * numberOfFertigations
Still Required this year <new[Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium]NutrientBalance> Lb/acre [nitrogen phosphorous potassium]NutrientBalance - total[Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium]PerSeason