bcgov / api-guidelines

BC Government API Guidelines
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From GIS CoP #12

Open mpilchar opened 5 years ago

mpilchar commented 5 years ago

Feedback sent via API Guidelines from Yammer (GIS CoP): William Burt (FLNRORD, Regional Geomatics Specialist, Kootenay Boundary Region) – This guidance looks great. Likely I won't be developing an api anytime soon but perhaps I would be a consumer. Many of bcgov api are purpose built for and limited to one application. To animate the new data story line that is being presented access needs to be open to other consumers with un-forcasted use cases. Here are some questions I expect this COP would have:- Are our APIs catalogued and documented like data? If I need documentation, an api key or authentication where would someone go?

jeff-card commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your comment! A peer review was held on August 9th and we have the following feedback:

We hope we’ve captured cataloging and documenting sufficiently in this new version – let us know!