bcgov / api-services-portal

API Services Portal provides a multi-tenant frontend integrating API Gateway and Authorization services from Kong CE and Keycloak.
Apache License 2.0
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Design - APS Service Uptime Indicator #507

Open elisafw-ux opened 1 year ago

elisafw-ux commented 1 year ago

As a client of APS I want to know whether the service is up or is offline so that I can quickly determine the source of an outage of my service. The existing public dashboard may be confusing to those unaware of how the checks have been configured.


elisafw-ux commented 1 year ago

Rough mock up. Not finalized yet.

Screen Shot 2022-09-28 at 12.19.01 PM.png

To do

  1. Is it possible to bring Uptime components through their API? Justin confirming
  2. Need to discuss with team which checks should we display


  1. Tooltips next to checks explain to people what it is and how the portal uses it
  2. Status page only displays APS checks
  3. People might get thrown off if status page goes to Uptime, they might not know what Uptime is. Having the status page in the portal could reassure people that they are still in a govt. site.
elisafw-ux commented 1 year ago

To do next: Poll/Survey to validate with clients which checks are important to display.

elisafw-ux commented 1 year ago

Ongoing research on Mural. Waiting to get more participants to talk to.