bcgov / aries-vcr

Hyperledger Aries Verifiable Credential Registry (VCR) is a set of application level software components designed to accelerate the adoption of trustworthy entity to entity communications.
Apache License 2.0
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Provide a flag for running the Indy Catalyst and/or UI in AgentBook mode - view only #124

Closed swcurran closed 5 years ago

swcurran commented 5 years ago

Add a startup flag on either Indy Catalyst or the UI and use it to make the following changes to the Agent handling. As well, add a way to pass in a URL for an instruction link (it will be to a github MD page).

If the flag for running as AgentBook is set:

The following could be done whether or not the flag is there.

Additional requests:

We have a challenge with the invite being posted. Once it's posted, it should only be used once. Can you add a mechanism so that when the user clicks "Copy" button (to be added per existing Zenhub), you someone mark the invitation as "Used", so others won't try to use it?

For bonus marks - on the main screen list of connections, keep a count of "Unused Invitations" beside the messages count.

swcurran commented 5 years ago

New item added to this ticket:

After clicking Done on the "Generate Invite" screen, go to the Connections Details screen for that connection.

andrewwhitehead commented 5 years ago

There are a few new flags supported: