bcgov / aries-vcr

Hyperledger Aries Verifiable Credential Registry (VCR) is a set of application level software components designed to accelerate the adoption of trustworthy entity to entity communications.
Apache License 2.0
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Create a load-test scenario for indy-catalyst agent #245

Closed nrempel closed 5 years ago

nrempel commented 5 years ago

We want to ensure that indy-catalyst is horizontally scalable while sharing the same wallet backend. i.e., the credential throughput should grow linearly with respect to the number of icatagent processes sharing the workload.

I will start with a local docker environment to test this using the postgres wallet backend and a scalable number of icatagent instances. Once we optimize for this case, we can consider testing and optimizing in an open shift environment if necessary.

nrempel commented 5 years ago

FYI @jljordan42 you can track updates for this here if you like. I should be starting on this early next week.

nrempel commented 5 years ago

We have a local performance test - shelving this until we are deployed on openshift and we can do a load test there.