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WFS getcapabilities response #329

Closed smnorris closed 9 months ago

smnorris commented 11 months ago

FYI, perhaps it is just a temporary outage but it seems like the response to a WFS GetCapabilities request has changed, and no longer returns info about the WFS service

Python bcdata is more dependent on this response, but R package might be affected as well? Certainly when getting the bcdata.single_download_limit

ateucher commented 11 months ago

Thanks @smnorris for the heads up. Just tested it now and it seems ok? We use it in listing the WFS records, and getting the single download limit, here.


#> # A tibble: 861 × 3
#>    whse_name                                               title         cat_url
#>    <chr>                                                   <chr>         <chr>  
#>  1 WHSE_BASEMAPPING.DBM_BC_7H_MIL_BATHYMETRC_POLY          (7.5M) Bathy… https:…
#>  2 WHSE_BASEMAPPING.DBM_BC_7H_MIL_BOUNDARIES_LINE          (7.5M) Bound… https:…
#>  3 WHSE_BASEMAPPING.DBM_BC_7H_MIL_DRAINAGE_LINE            (7.5M) Drain… https:…
#>  4 WHSE_BASEMAPPING.DBM_BC_7H_MIL_DRAINAGE_POLY            (7.5M) Drain… https:…
#>  5 WHSE_BASEMAPPING.DBM_BC_7H_MIL_POPULATION_POINT         (7.5M) Major… https:…
#>  6 WHSE_BASEMAPPING.DBM_BC_7H_MIL_ROADS_LINE               (7.5M) Major… https:…
#>  7 WHSE_BASEMAPPING.DBM_BC_7H_MIL_PARK_POLY                (7.5M) Natio… https:…
#>  8 WHSE_BASEMAPPING.DBM_BC_7H_MIL_POLITICAL_POLY           (7.5M) Provi… https:…
#> # ℹ 851 more rows
#> [1] 10000

Created on 2023-08-22 with reprex v2.0.2

smnorris commented 11 months ago

Glad it is still working.

I was using getCapabilities to:

~~1) Get the schema of a layer and find geometry column name Schemas are no longer included in the response but I saw you use DescribeFeatureType for that so I adjusted to do the same.~~ Edit - actually no, owslib was doing DescribeFeaturetype internally, this didn't come from GetCapabilities

2) list WFS layers I can adjust my code to use the current response to generate a list of layers as per bcdata:::bcdc_get_wfs_records()

But the current response does not seem to be a valid response to a WFS getcapabilites request and I don't think you'll be able to get the single download limit, the OperationsMetadata tag is not present. I've alerted DataBC -

ateucher commented 11 months ago

I don't think you'll be able to get the single download limit, the OperationsMetadata tag is not present.

Weird. I can't find it manually but I stepped through bcdc_single_download_liimit() and it is working (and not using a cached value).

(I fully admit though that I don't really understand xml parsing).

smnorris commented 11 months ago

Weird indeed, I presumed it was picking up the default when I tried.

I don't want to parse xml either, and was using owslib to do that for me. It bails when it cannot find OperationsMetadata

smnorris commented 11 months ago

This is what the response used to look like:

ateucher commented 11 months ago

Alright, so this is the endpoint that our code is hitting:, and that has the information in it. It differs in two ways:

  1. http rather than https.
  2. Case: request=Getcapabilities vs request=GetCapabilities


smnorris commented 11 months ago

Oh dear. I think I standardized that url to https in my code, so there may not have been a change to the service?

Something definitely broke on Friday before I made changes but perhaps it was something else that has since been resolved.

ateucher commented 11 months ago

Having a totally different response with http vs https is... weird? Also I would think it should all be https anyway!

ateucher commented 11 months ago

And it does appear to be a combination of http AND the case of get[Cc]apabilities. This returns WMS 1.1 info:

And this appears to return nothing or time out:

smnorris commented 11 months ago

Based on my limited sysadmin experience, it sounds like an issue with reverse proxy setup.

ateucher commented 11 months ago

It seems very fragile! Makes you wonder which is the intended endpoint? Hopefully the one we want ;)

smnorris commented 11 months ago

Thanks for digging into this - I've forwarded the source of the issue and a link to this thread on to the DataBC JIRA ticket.

ateucher commented 11 months ago

Awesome, thanks. If you get a resolution, do you mind updating this issue so we can update the url if needbe?

smnorris commented 11 months ago

Will do.

I think the handling of the get[Cc]apabilites casing did change, it still fails after I switch my base url to plain http.

owslib generates the request as GetCapabilites:

ateucher commented 11 months ago


Interesting - looks like you could supply the request param directly though as Getcapabilities?

smnorris commented 11 months ago

yes, but no luck so far - hopefully I can find the right combination of parameters.

rustyjux commented 10 months ago

My apologies - a quick fix was put in Aug 18 by Data Systems and Services to cache the WMS GetCapabilities request to support the delivery of wildfire services. The apache rewrite rule also erroneously captured WFS GetCapabilities requests. I removed these changes on Sept 6 - again, apologies for any impacts.