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BCParks Attendance and Revenue Backend.
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Migrate historical data into A&R system #237

Open kgorana opened 8 months ago

kgorana commented 8 months ago


There are roughly 167,000 records to be brought over. We want to move away from the spreadsheet as the source of truth so it is important that this migration captures the spreadsheet in its entirety.

The migration will have to parse the spreadsheet on a row-by-row basis and create legacy record objects for each row. For some rows, new parks and subareas will also need to be created if they are not yet in the new system.

The record activity type (Frontcountry Camping, Day Use, etc) will have to be inferred from the populated columns in each row. Columns that do not fit into an existing activity type will be captured in a new activity, Legacy Data.

Columns that belong into an existing activity type but do not exist within the new A&R system will be brought over as new legacy attributes in the migrated records. For example: Net Revenue totals are not saved in our new database, but are shown in historical data records. These historical totals should be captured in their own fields, eg legacy_frontcountryCampingPartiesNetRevenue.

Attached are spreadsheets containing field maps between new and historical data.

Handling legacy data in the FE and API will be handled in future tickets. The focus of this ticket is simply getting legacy data into the db.

Acceptance Criteria:


  pk: HIST::Legacy Data,
  sk: 202209,
  parkName: LEGACY PARK,
  orcs: HIST,
  date: 202209,
  subAreaId: HIST,
  activity: Legacy Data,
  isLegacy: true,

Below is a finalized spreadsheet of mapped fields & legacy object models.

historical_data_comparison - Master.xlsx

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kgorana commented 8 months ago

Cameron Pettit April 3, 2023 at 10:39 AM

@JLWade Nope I think Recreation Services Team has done her part for now - there were some failed rows when migrating to dev that I assumed could be fixed before the migration to test/prod, so I sent those to Sally and she’s returned them to me ready to go - I’ve just been caught up with other stuff. I’m just getting back to this stuff now, integrating her changes as we speak. I’ll update the attached spreadsheet with Sally’s changes so we can use it as the master record of which data was used for our prod migrations (we don’t really care to save a record for dev/test).

Once I’ve updated it I will kick off the migration to test so we can keep moving this along.

Jessica Wade April 3, 2023 at 10:29 AM

@cameronpettit thinking we can see if Sally can help us get some of the prep work done for this ticket - is there anything specific that needs to be done for the other historical data? Do we need sally’s eyes on the attached spreadsheet?

Jessica Wade December 14, 2022 at 8:47 AM

@janemoxd thats exactly what Cam suggested yesterday too :slight_smile: BRS-971: Migrate historical data from 2017-2019 into A&R system on TEST was cloned for that

Jane Mountain December 14, 2022 at 8:29 AM

Just adding a note here that a (possibly) sensible approach to this would be to import the data needed for variance triggers and validating by POs (last couple of years), get all of that set up and working first.

Then later, we could import the older data that sounds like it won’t be used very much?

Jessica Wade November 14, 2022 at 3:51 PM

Before this can be done we need answers to: what is the purpose of having all this historical data in the A&R system? (2000-2021) do we need to migrate ALL of it? Or can we split it and only bring over some is there another BI tool that can be used to analyze this data? how are you using the data after export? having comparison data is more important than storage of data issue with brining it all in is accuracy and lots of areas for error can we archive any data? answers from meeting with Jane, Cam, Jeff and Sally on Dec 13, 2022 and put into BRS-971

Jessica Wade November 7, 2022 at 4:04 PM

even better!

Cameron Pettit November 7, 2022 at 4:00 PM

Yes, the new system should allow us to make new records for any point in history, we aren’t limited to the system launch day and afterwards. Adding a record (created by the new system) for missing data is something we can already do.

Jessica Wade November 7, 2022 at 3:51 PM

That makes sense - thank you! It would likely only be for missing data so sounds like we could figure something out.

Cameron Pettit November 7, 2022 at 3:45 PM

Our stance was to lock all legacy data on import. If I remember correctly, this is because the legacy data is too large/complex to verify that every single entry can be mapped to our new system. If we don’t differentiate that the legacy data was created by some system other than our own, it opens up a lot of potential for issues when we are trying to manipulate the data down the line.

I’d be hesitant to allow any editing to historical records - because then it’s not a historical record anymore. If edits need to be made to a historical record, then a new record should be created with the new system, and then that historical record could be disposed. So theres ways to achieve what you’re asking, but I think we should steer clear of the ‘editing historical records’ path.

Jessica Wade November 7, 2022 at 3:14 PM

@cameronpettit can you refresh my memory - do these legacy records need to be “locked” upon import? I remember that being something we talked about - and if so, is there a way to unlock them in specific instances? Use case for this is that some data from the UseDirect era (2019, 2020, 2021) might require POs to enter data that was omitted during that time.