bcgov / bcwebmaps-options

BC Web Mapping Technological Solutions And Experiences
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Feedback from Agile teams #9

Open AlexFilonovych opened 4 years ago

AlexFilonovych commented 4 years ago

Got some more feedback from agile teams:

From Kuan Fan:

  1. From a developer point of view, if I choose one of the frameworks, I’d like to know how much support I can receive; if there a technical group/community in IIT or government I can contact to ask questions.
  2. I have seen quite some projects having mapping components included, probably can create a mapping framework channel in RocketChat to let people to ask questions and get support.

From Stephen Hillier: PROS:

  1. The most useful part of the matrix for me are the examples… they’re great. Especially the quick indication of the complexity of each example.
  2. Really like the standalone spatial features at the bottom too


  1. Interested in section “as a developer, what do I control” (I see that’s not complete yet), so I can tell whether I’ll be able to do much customization, or if we have to stick with a rigid feature set.
  2. Overall I think there’s a lot of info; as a developer, I think I would personally reach for Mapbox or Leaflet or OpenLayers first though. One thing that might change my mind would be like a demo (or link to a demo) on how quickly/easily I can try out each framework for a sample app. I think I would want to try something quickly and see it on the screen to see how easy it is to work with- like a tutorial. I like the showcase but I personally would like to try out a “proof of concept” first to see first hand what it’s like working with each solution I’m not sure if a sandbox or tutorial would be available for each framework… maybe for ArcGIS online, not sure about the others As a developer, that’s just something I would probably try before making a decision
webgismd commented 4 years ago

Created a RocketChat Channel here - @kuanfandevops