bcgov / cas-cif

CleanBC Industry Fund project
Apache License 2.0
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Remove duplicated TEIMP duration when showing diffs #1847

Open Sepehr-Sobhani opened 11 months ago

Sepehr-Sobhani commented 11 months ago

Description of the Tech Debt

When displaying the differences related to the TEIMP form and the TEIMP end date has been modified, the duration is displayed twice, resulting in a duplicate ID for the content suffix in the displayed diffs (as seen in the image below). To address this issue, a random ID generator has been added in the CustomDiffFields file (id={id && `${id}-contentSuffix-${Math.random().toFixed(2)}`}). However, a better solution would be to prevent the duplicate duration from appearing in the diffs altogether. Additionally, an assertion needs to be added to verify the presence of this duration element in the diffs in the file, around line 239.


Tech Debt Triage

The purpose of our technical debt triage process is to analyze technical debt to determine risk level of the technical debt and the value in tackling that technical debt.

Risk Value Scoring:

Level Value
High 3
Medium 2
Low 1
Technical Debt - Risk Types Level Value
Business Area Risk - Risk of business area visibility / damage to user experience 1
Developer Fault Risk - How likely will this tech debt cause a future error related to coding on top of it 1
System Fault Risk - Risk of system errors or application downtime 1
Time Scale Risk - Compound risk effect if left alone. How much more difficult to fix or dangerous will this become over time? 1
Time Sink Risk - How much will this tech debt slow the development process down 1