bcgov / cas-cif

CleanBC Industry Fund project
Apache License 2.0
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As an Ops team member, I want to have an updated version of the dashboard, so that it is better suited to my needs #857

Closed suhafa closed 1 year ago

suhafa commented 2 years ago


In view of the soft launch, we've reiterated the dashboard. All updates to be implemented are covered in the wireframe based on work done in #714

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am a CIF administrator When I am using the CIF app And I am looking at the top navigation bar Then I see 'Home' label that when selected will take me back to the main page

Given I am a CIF administrator When I am on the Home page And I am looking at the 'Projects' category Then I see the following helpful text under the Projects heading: Create, view and manage projects

Given I am a CIF administrator When I am on the Home page And I am looking at the 'Reporting Operations' category Then I see the following helpful text under the Projects heading: Create, manage and search

Given I am a CIF administrator When I am on the Home page And I am looking at the 'Administration' category Then I see a link called "Data Insights (Metabase)"

Given I am a CIF administrator When I have selected the "Data Insights (Metabase)" link Then a new tab is opened in my browser that takes me to the correct page in Metabase (

Given I am a CIF administrator When I am on the Home page And I am looking at the 'Administration' category Then I see a link called "Report a Problem"

Given I am a CIF administrator When I have selected the "Report a Problem" link Then my email pops up pre-populated with the correct email address

Given I am a CIF administrator When I am using the CIF app And I am looking at the bottom navigation bar Then I see 'Login Page' label that when selected will take me back to the CIF login page

Given I am a CIF administrator When I am using the CIF app And I am looking at the bottom navigation bar Then I see the following links (with their URL):

Development Checklist:



Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

·Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

LindsayMacfarlane commented 2 years ago

While reviewing the wireframe and refining the ticket, the following needs to be discussed/specified: 1) Data Insights (Metabase): Ticket needs to be updated with the appropriate url that we want to direct CIF administrators towards. I'm assuming to the CIF section of metabase? 2) Report a problem: The functionality here needs to be specified. My assumption: a user selects the 'report a problem' link then outlook pops up pre-populated with the GGIRCS email address? 3) Additional details are required around the bottom navigation bar. If the required urls can be added to this ticket that would be fantastic. This part of the acceptance criteria will need refining as well.

suhafa commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your comment @LindsayMacfarlane! -

  1. Calling on @dleard for this one: for 'Data Insights (Metabase)' link in the dashboard where do we link our users to in the Metabase? Would it be CIF section of Metabase? Are we ready to link them to it now?

  2. Correct! It will link them to an outlook email addressed to GGRICS. I will update the text in the wireframe to capture that part.

  3. Question for @dleard (last one I swear) - For CIIP, we seem to have made new pages within the application itself instead of linking to the BC gov website for the footer links. Is there any reason why we did so? Was wondering if it's better to link it to external gov links or should we be creating a separate page for CIF footer links too?

dleard commented 2 years ago

1: It would link to our production metabase instance (external of the CIF app). It is not currently set up to receive data from the CIF database, but I will make a note to set it up.

3: It looks like we've linked to some external gov links in our CIIP footer, and some of our own. I don't remember a reason why we would have created our own pages except maybe we wanted some customization (for example the 'contact us' page). I figure we can link to external gov sites where appropriate in CIF.

pbastia commented 2 years ago

1: Metabase is now connected to CIF database

pbastia commented 2 years ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with ZenHub @BCerki @dleard @gurjmatharu @mikevespi @Sepehr-Sobhani

pbastia commented 2 years ago

@nanyangpro @suhafa maybe a placeholder for the 'Contact Us' page is enough, as long as this is an internal tool? or a mailto:<ggircs email> ?

suhafa commented 2 years ago

mailto:ggircsemail?subject=CIF App: Report a problem would be best, with the subject line also pre-populated so we have a standard way of filtering CIF app issues @pbastia

LindsayMacfarlane commented 1 year ago

This ticket seems to be in dev already - is it ready for me to test @pbastia @Sepehr-Sobhani?

Sepehr-Sobhani commented 1 year ago

This ticket seems to be in dev already - is it ready for me to test @pbastia @Sepehr-Sobhani?

@LindsayMacfarlane Yes, it is. All tickets in Accepted by PO or Dev are already in dev because of the release but feel free to do additional QA on those cards.

LindsayMacfarlane commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Sepehr-Sobhani! I curious since it is still in the Pending Dev review pipeline :)

Sepehr-Sobhani commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Sepehr-Sobhani! I curious since it is still in the Pending Dev review pipeline :)

Well, actually it should be in the Pending PO Approval column :) sorry, I missed putting that in the correct column.

LindsayMacfarlane commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Sepehr-Sobhani!

Meets acceptance criteria. One observation while testing:

1) The 'Login Page' link in the bottom navigation bar. When I select this link in dev, it opens up to the PROD instance. My assumption would be that when I'm in dev, it would open the dev environment, test to test and Prod to Prod.

Let me know if we need a bug ticket to address the above.


pbastia commented 1 year ago

Good catch @LindsayMacfarlane ! We don't want people messing with production while thinking they are on the dev instance. This is a bug indeed, completely slipped past the code review, I'd say high priority since it already affects us

Sepehr-Sobhani commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @LindsayMacfarlane and @pbastia. I'll make a ticket for that.

Sepehr-Sobhani commented 1 year ago

Ticket created: