[ ] Given I'm on the Compliance Summaries tab, I can see a grid of each of my operations and their compliance obligation amounts.
The excess emissions is the emissions total pulled from reporting, displayed in tCO2e. If over the emissions limit, the excess emissions will be a positive integer. If under the emissions limit, this will show as a negative integer and the outstanding balance of 0tCO2e.The table will have the following
[ ] The grid contains the following columns:
Reporting year
Operation name
Excess emissions (shown in tCO2e)
Outstanding balance (shown in tCO2e)
Compliance status
Penalty status
Obligation ID
Action (has a clickable link)
[ ] Given I am on the grid, I can see a list of all reporting years (including past years), and the grid will show the compliance obligations for each operation for all years
[ ] Given I am on the Compliance Obligation Grid, I can see my COAM balance being automatically adjusted as my payments are being made.
If I edit and re-submit a report, it will show the new amount of excess emissions over or under the limit and the new outstanding balance and compliance status
[ ] Given that I'm on the grid, each column is sortable (A-Z, Z-A)
[ ] Given that I'm on the grid, each column has a free-text search box
As an external user, I can view a grid of compliance obligations for each of my operations
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] Given I'm on the Compliance Summaries tab, I can see a grid of each of my operations and their compliance obligation amounts.
[ ] The grid contains the following columns: Reporting year Operation name Excess emissions (shown in tCO2e) Outstanding balance (shown in tCO2e) Compliance status Penalty status Obligation ID Action (has a clickable link)
[ ] Given I am on the grid, I can see a list of all reporting years (including past years), and the grid will show the compliance obligations for each operation for all years
[ ] Given I am on the Compliance Obligation Grid, I can see my COAM balance being automatically adjusted as my payments are being made.
[ ] Given that I'm on the grid, each column is sortable (A-Z, Z-A)
[ ] Given that I'm on the grid, each column has a free-text search box
Development Checklist:
Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)
·Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)