bcgov / cas-compliance

For work on the CAS OBPS COAM Module
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COAM\ Generate a fee in $ based on obligation tCO2e and create fee in elicensing #93

Open NicoleGovvy opened 1 week ago

NicoleGovvy commented 1 week ago


Elicensing will have a fee for the equivalent value in dollars dollar value for the obligation's excess emissions in tCO2e.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given When Then

Development Checklist:

Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

Blocked By/Blocking



NicoleGovvy commented 1 week ago

This ticket will require the compliance charge rate for the compliance year to be able to do this. The system will also need to retain historical rates as adjustments need to be made for previous years.