bcgov / cas-registration

A web app for Registration in OBPS under the Clean Growth branch
Apache License 2.0
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Admin\My Operator - External user can view and update existing operator information #1367

Open zoeyli-46 opened 3 months ago

zoeyli-46 commented 3 months ago


As an External User, given that I have registered in BCIERS, I can view and update my existing operator information, and fill in any new operator information fields asked in registration part 2 Figma link

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am an authenticated user with the industry-user or industry-user-admin role, When I click on the My operator tile, Then I am brought to my operator page Operator page

Given that I am on my operator page, When I click edit Then it turns into editing mode Figma link

Given that I am on the Operator Information form, When I select General Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership Then the fields for a Partner appear

Given that I am on the Operator Information form, When I select “yes” to “Does the operator have one or more parent companies?” Then the fields for a parent company appear

Given that I am on the Operator Information form, When I select “yes” to “Is the parent company registered in Canada?” Then I see the field “Parent Company CRA Business Number:”

Given that I am on the Operator Information form, When I select “no” to “Is the parent company registered in Canada?” Then I see the field “Parent Company Tax ID Number:”

Edit-mode of operator information

Development Checklist:

Updates to Parent Operator data model:

Create new data model Partner Company with fields:

Some other changes to data models will be required later, but because they impact existing prod data, I suggest leaving them as-is for now until we confirm with the biz area when they'd like the changes to take effect in prod.

Posibly updates dashboard tiles:

Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

·Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)



zoeyli-46 commented 2 months ago

@nanyangpro this ticket's AC is ready for your review

zoeyli-46 commented 2 weeks ago

@BCerki edited this ticket to include the conditional fields, does it make sense or does it require more details?

BCerki commented 2 weeks ago

@BCerki edited this ticket to include the conditional fields, does it make sense or does it require more details?

Yup, looks great, thank you!