bcgov / cas-registration

A web app for Registration in OBPS under the Clean Growth branch
Apache License 2.0
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State Machine diagram for managing flows of data #1518

Closed andrea-williams closed 1 day ago

andrea-williams commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the task

Create a state machine diagram that captures the flow/s of data between the Registration and Reporting modules.

Writing out a state machine that takes into account the state of data in registration (ie: operator/operation tables) and the state of the data in reporting (what an individial report data's operator/operation says) given an action or set of actions taken by the reporter may give us some insight into where we think the reporter should be able make these changes and consider the side effects of our choices here.

state: registration data state: report 1 (complete) state report 2 (in progress) action: change operation name in report 2 ^ How does this affect the other states (if at all)

Example of a set of states and actions that we could consider mapping: If we change the operation data in report 2 from the reporting app, should it update the registration's operation data? Should that state change in turn trigger a state change in the data for report 1?

Acceptance Criteria

Additional context

patrickisaac commented 2 weeks ago


patrickisaac commented 3 days ago

Timebox - Dylan and Pierre to meet next week

patriciarussellCAS commented 3 days ago

Tagging @pbastia

patrickisaac commented 1 day ago

This ticket was followed up during Moose stand-up today (May 16) and based on Dylan's feedback, this ticket can be closed.