bcgov / cas-registration

A web app for Registration in OBPS under the Clean Growth branch
Apache License 2.0
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User story: IO user requests access to be prime admin for Operator (organization) #24

Open andrea-williams opened 1 year ago

andrea-williams commented 1 year ago


As an org rep, I want to complete the organization profile so that I can start registering facilities ("org profile"=filling out the form to request to register)

As an IO, I want to complete the operator (organization) profile so that I can start registering facilities

As an IO, I want to register my operator (organization) by filling out a form so that I can register for OBPS

As John Smith (aka Prime Gertrude), I want to submit a request to become the prime admin for my company, 123 Co. Assumption: John has already logged in to his individual BCeID account, which is connected to 123 Co.'s Business BCeID (so that we can confirm John is associated with 123 Co.)

See for wireframes

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am an external user logged in to my Business BCeID account When my company already exists in the Registration database but no prime admin has been assigned to the company yet Then a record should be created in the database that captures my request to be the prime admin in OBPS for my company

Given I am an external user logged in to my Business BCeID account When my company already exists in the Registration database and a prime admin has already been assigned (approved) to my company Then I cannot submit a request to be prime admin for my company (subsequent ticket will address what page the user should be presented with instead)

Development Checklist:

Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

·Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)



andrea-williams commented 1 year ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @andrea-williams @BCerki @dleard @JoshLarouche @Sepehr-Sobhani

BCerki commented 1 year ago

Is the "organization profile" the form Prime Gertrude will have to fill out before clicking "request access to the registration app"?

Sepehr-Sobhani commented 10 months ago

We won't be able to test this until we receive development data from

hannavovk commented 10 months ago

Amazing work @Sepehr-Sobhani! Thank you!