bcgov / cas-reporting

This is for the Clean Growth Digital Services team for work related to reporting.
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Reporting Module Access for Industry Users #136

Closed NicoleGovvy closed 3 weeks ago

NicoleGovvy commented 4 months ago

As an Industry User I want to have access to the Reporting module early so that I can have enough time to fill out my report before the deadline. There should be a clear "end" to a reporting cycle, so that anything submitted after midnight on May 31st would be considered "late".

Note: The submission window will likely open a few months before the May 31 deadline (currently in SWRS its ~3-4 months before). We don't want it open TOO early while there may be reconciliation of previous reports going on. Will need to confirm with IRC when to "open" the module

patriciarussellCAS commented 4 months ago

To clarify: Do you mean give users access to the Reporting module well in advance of the deadline so they can start a report and then save it in draft so they can come back later to complete and submit it? I believe this is how SWRS is set up and they typically have a few months to go in and work on their reports so would guess they'll want something similar. Another good one to chat with business area about.

NicoleGovvy commented 4 months ago

@patriciarussellCAS - yes! Early access (or open access?) to the module for starting data entry.

mikevespi commented 3 months ago

I think there are two ideas that need to be detatched from eachother conceptually: the reporting module, and the process of filing a report. The reporting module is where you would go to file a report, but it also houses other and past reports etc. So access to the module should always be available. As for beginning to file a report, I think it would make sense to be able to start entering data about a period as soon as that period ends. That being said we should confirm with business area in my opinion. It's possible that circumstances exist when that isn't the case.

pbastia commented 3 months ago

That's a good question @mikevespi. If we follow CIIP we only allow people to login and enter data at the start of the reporting period for the given year. This allows the program to setup the specifics for each year and to avoid making business changes while some people have already started filling out information

rdromey commented 3 weeks ago

Replaced with #193