Question: what is initial_compliance_period?
The spreadsheet says it has a value of 2024, but should that be pulled from the first year the facility reported rather than hardcoded?
Answer: Yes it will always be 2024. Hardcode it.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a Regulated Operation (Regulated, Opt-in or New Entrant)
When I have filled out all my required forms including emissions data, production data, allocation of emissions and any additional reporting data
Then I need to see a summary page with compliance information/totals (calculated from data input on previous forms).
This is required as part of my compliance report, including my excess or credited emissions.
Given I am a Developer
When I am building the Compliance Summary page
Then I need to reference the "Emissions Summary" spreadsheet saved in the SME teams channel under Files > Reporting App
in order to create the required calculations/totals.
[ ] Compliance summary values are calculated using the parameters in the 'Emissions Summary' spreadsheet
[ ] Regulatory values are defined by NAICS code as per the 'Registration fields pt 2' spreadsheet
[x] A naics_code_regulatory_value model exists as described above to hold the regulatory values & valid to/from dates
[x] A product_emission_intensity model exists as described above to hold the PWAEI values & valid to/from dates (values in Registration fields pt 2 spreadsheet)
[ ] For each product the annual amount & PWAEI is shown (from database values)
[ ] For each product, the allocated industrial process emissions & compliance emissions are calculated & shown
[x] The compliance summary page has a continue & a back button (but no save button)
[ ] Meets the DOD
Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)
[ ] User story is included
[ ] User role and type are identified
[ ] Acceptance criteria are included
[ ] Wireframes are included (if required)
[ ] Design / Solution is accepted by Product Owner
[ ] Dependencies are identified (technical, business, regulatory/policy)
[ ] Story has been estimated (under 13 pts)
Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)
[ ] Acceptance criteria are tested by the CI pipeline
[ ] UI meets accessibility requirements
[ ] Configuration changes are documented, documentation and designs are updated
[ ] Passes code peer-review
[ ] Passes QA of Acceptance Criteria with verification in Dev and Test
[ ] Ticket is ready to be merged to main branch
[ ] Can be demoed in Sprint Review
[ ] Bugs or future work cards are identified and created
Description: As a Regulated Operation I want a Compliance Summary page so that I can see final emissions totals.
Question: what is initial_compliance_period? The spreadsheet says it has a value of 2024, but should that be pulled from the first year the facility reported rather than hardcoded? Answer: Yes it will always be 2024. Hardcode it.
Acceptance Criteria: Given I am a Regulated Operation (Regulated, Opt-in or New Entrant) When I have filled out all my required forms including emissions data, production data, allocation of emissions and any additional reporting data Then I need to see a summary page with compliance information/totals (calculated from data input on previous forms). This is required as part of my compliance report, including my excess or credited emissions.
Given I am a Developer When I am building the Compliance Summary page Then I need to reference the "Emissions Summary" spreadsheet saved in the SME teams channel under Files > Reporting App in order to create the required calculations/totals.
naics_code_regulatory_value model: id pkey naics_code fkey -> naics_code reduction_factor decimal tightening_rate decimal valid_from timestamptz valid_to timestamptz
product_emission_intensity model: id pkey product_id fkey -> product product_weighted_average_emission_intensity decimal valid_from timestamptz valid_to timestamptz
Development Checklist:
Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)
Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)