bcgov / cas-reporting

This is for the Clean Growth Digital Services team for work related to reporting.
Apache License 2.0
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As an Industry Reporter, I want a card that goes to reporting from my dashboard so that I can view that module #194

Open suhafa opened 3 months ago

suhafa commented 3 months ago


Blocked: #274 #1653

We need to give Operators a way to get to the reporting module from the main dashboard they get sent to after logging in. Step 1 - view the link to Reporting Step 2 - Clicking the link takes the user to the Reporting Dashboard

Wireframe here

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that I am an external operator And I have logged in to BCIERS Then there is a link on the dashboard that takes me to the reporting module

Given that I am an external operator And I have logged in to BCIERS And I click on the link to the reporting module Then I can see the landing page (also called the "Reporting Dashboard") of the reporting module

Development Checklist:

Definition of Ready (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

Definition of Done (Note: If any of these points are not applicable, mark N/A)

Blocked By

274 #1653



patriciarussellCAS commented 2 months ago

Added the Backlog Refinement label again so we can have a more in-depth conversation about acceptance criteria and the Dev checklist. For example, this may be blocked by the fact that this is our first ticket to touch Moose code; we need to make sure we have guidelines confirmed about how we go about this before doing any Dev work.

patriciarussellCAS commented 1 month ago

To confirm - does clicking the link take you immediately to the current reporting year dashboard?

pbastia commented 1 week ago

This has likely already been implemented as part of the common dashboard, we just need to confirm that the functionality works as expected